Saturday, February 1, 2014

Community Garden work day today at 10:30

Thank you all for the great effort these past 3 weeks.  

1 - ALL the onion starts are in the ground!
2 - The broad-leaf lettuce is doing well, and has been joined by Kale, Chard and Escarole
3 - And we've had our first real rain of the season.....(sure, we'll take credit for that, too!)  :)

Tasks left to be done:

* The lettuce row should be covered with the hay, currently located on the south side of the picnic table.  This will help keep moisture in, and reduce weeds, etc.

* The cabbages in the box are in a tough fight with the stinging nettle.  So this needs to be weeded - but NOT without using gloves.   We've 8+ pair of latex gloves and 5+ pair of work gloves in the shed.

* At the East end of the lettuce row (first row on our left as we enter the garden), there are about a dozen or more strawberry plants and a bunch of weeds.   This needs to be cleaned out, and the strawberry plants relocated.   For now, let's put the strawberry plants in the box closest to the faucets.   That gets decent light and is easy to water.

* The 'main' strawberry beds need some serious thinning if we are to have a decent crop this year.  This need not be done "all at once", but if you have time to spend 15 - 20 mins, please pull out 1/2 of the plants.   After this is done, we'll add some compost between the plants so they can have a good feeding.

Looking forward

* We recently purchased some legumes to use as nitrogen fixers and green mulch.  We'll be inoculating those seeds and planting in the Tomato rows starting next week, so we can give that area a much-needed boost for the Spring.

*  The two boxes under the Oak Tree will need to be moved.  We will not be allowed to trim the oak, and its roots have come up from under the ground into the box!  The shade has also prevented anything from getting a good start.

The suggestion is to put the two boxes closest to the picnic table together as the 'second row' on the left as we enter the garden.   This will give them plenty of sun, be visible from the road (advertising!), and be close to the drip lines for irrigation.  This little chore will wait until Spring, but  is on the horizon.

Richard is currently in Arizona for another week, so I'll take the 10:30 am shift.  Darryl (The Younger) has a work party with his school and won't be able to join us tomorrow.

Come tomorrow for a bit of fresh air and company.  Whether you can share 30 mins or 2 hours...or more...Your volunteer efforts are appreciated ANY DAY.

Thank you for your consideration.