Wednesday, February 26, 2014

CCWD re-opens water line in Saddle Creek to allow for potential growth

Saddle Creek is beginning the process for potential building within their Hawk Ridge Road Unit 6 area.

On the CCWD 2-12-14 Board agenda was the following item:
"Discussion / Action Approving the Acceptance of Transfer of Unit 6 Saddle Creek Development’s Water and Wastewater Service Facilities and Rescind CCWD’s Agreement to Operate and Maintain

The owners of Saddle Creek, Castle & Cooke, have "requested a transfer of an inactive loop in the Saddle Creek service area into an active one so that Saddle Creek subdivision owners can move forward to building houses in that area." said Dennis Dooley, District 4 CCWD Director. "Before they can apply for a building permit, they must first have active water and wastewater service to the area."

A water line had existed in the area, but due to the lack of development, there was not enough water use to "maintain minimum chloride residuals." To solve that problem, CCWD installed "at Castle & Cooke's expense,  shutoff valves at both ends of the loop and declared that portion of the system as not part of the system.   Then CCWD connected a tap into the main line and ran a temporary line to the area needing irrigation and charged Castle & Cooke for a temporary water service." 

CCWD approved the activation of this previously inactive loop.

No response from Castle & Cooke has been received regarding this issue.