During Federal Fiscal Year 2011, the Police Department applied
for a COPS Hiring Grant. Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful in
receiving the grant. During Federal Fiscal Year 2012, only those law
enforcement agencies that applied for the 2011 grant, and were not
successful, were allowed to reapply for the new 2012 grant. 1,411 law
enforcement agencies Nationwide applied for the 2012 grant and only 221
law enforcement agencies were awarded grant funding.
The 2012 COPS grant had three categories to apply for; hire
military veterans (Vets to Cops), rehire laid off officers, or retain
officers scheduled for lay off. The department applied for and was
awarded the Vets to Cops grant.
The grant requires the department to hire a new officer, which
will fill an existing officer vacancy that is no longer funded as the
result of budget cuts. The newly hired officer must be a military
veteran, who has served in active duty, after 11 Sept., 2001, in any
armed forces for a period of more than 180 consecutive days. They also
must have been discharged or released from active duty under honorable
conditions. This position must be in addition to current budgeted level
of sworn officer positions.
The grant will cover up to 75 percent of the approved
entry-level salary and fringe benefits of the newly hired full-time
sworn career law enforcement officer over the three year (36 month)
grant period, with a minimum 25 percent local cash match requirement.
Any additional costs above the approved entry-level salaries and fringe
benefits are the responsibility of the City. Furthermore, the City must
retain the Vets to Cops funded officer position for at least 12 months
after the 36 months of federal funding has ended. The approved budget
is $358,099 with $268,575 being the Federal share and $89,524 being the
local share, not including the fourth year which is 100% local funded.
The recruitment for this position will begin on 9 Aug. 2012.
Applicants must possess a current Peace Officer Standards and Training
(POST) basic academy certificate and met the above described Vets to
Cops grant criteria.
Anyone having questions regarding the position may contact
Police Chief Mark Stinson at (209) 532-8141, or Humane Resource Director
Kim Stam at (209) 588-8946.