Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Calaveras Approves Noise Ordinance from Lake Tulloch Alliance

The Calaveras Board of Supervisors has approved a new ordinance September 11th that will install large fines and a regulatory system that will allow law enforcement to curb this growing noise problems in Calaveras County. The board will also appropriate funds for the purchase of monitoring equipment to be used by the Sheriff's office.  The Lake Tulloch Alliance appreciates the hard work of the Sheriff's Office and County Planning to bring this new ordinance to the board.

The Lake Tulloch Alliance and leaders and members of all of the homeowners associations worked for years to gain approval of the ordinance. It will now be important for the public to be educated about the new law. This will be important for boaters who too often misusethe powerful speakers on their boats and for the concerts on the lake that have been over the top in everything from noise to arrests.

New boat speaker technology has created super loud speaker systems that can shake the china on a shelf in a nearby house. It is worse on a body of water like Lake Tulloch since water can enhance sound by 1000%. For years residents on Lake Tulloch have sought a law to control the sound emitted the boat speaker systems along with out of control parties often held by summer renters.

Unfortunately, a previous attempt was defeated after a few vocal advocates got a petition signed that was deceptive and didn't properly inform signers. There was no one attending the September 11th meeting from Lake Tulloch other than Lake Tulloch Alliance members.

Soon the board will consider a new ordinance to regulate finally Summer Rentals that has been the source of many of the noise problems on the lake.