Monday, May 16, 2011

Judiciary Committee Votes to Reauthorize PATRIOT Provisions

Congressman Dan Lungren (R-Gold River-CA) along with members ofthe House Judiciary Committee today approved H.R. 1800, the “FISA Sunsets Reauthorization Act of 2011,” by a vote of 22-13. The bill extends for six years the roving wiretaps and business records provisions and makes permanent the lone wolf provision.  Congressman Lungren issued the following statement:
“The removal of terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden was a tremendous success for our intelligence community and our men and women in uniform.  While this accomplishment strikes a blow at Al Qaeda, the ideology of this murderous enterprise continues to inspire the growth of both terror groups and individuals throughout the globe.  

“The extension of three key provisions of the PATRIOT Act by the House Judiciary Committee directly responds to this new metastasis of terror.  It targets the non-citizen “lone wolf” who acts without formal ties to a foreign power or terror organization.  It continues to make available the tools of multi-point wire surveillance and access to records which are also used on the criminal side of law enforcement.

“The action of our committee is an important step forward in our effort to continue to fulfill the obligation of government to protect Americans from attack.”

H.R 1800 reauthorizes the following provisions:
Roving Wiretaps: Allows intelligence officials, after receiving approval from a federal court, to conduct surveillance on terrorist suspects regardless of how many communication devices they use. Bill extends the provision for six years.
Business Records: Allows the FBI, after obtaining approval from a federal judge, to access tangible items, including business records, in foreign intelligence, international terrorism and espionage cases. Bill extends the provision for six years.
Lone Wolf: National security laws allow intelligence gathering on foreign governments, terrorist groups and their agents. But what about a foreign terrorist who either acts alone or cannot be immediately tied to a terrorist organization? The lone wolf definition simply allows our intelligence officials to answer threats from terrorists acting alone. It cannot be used against a U.S. citizen. The bill makes this provision permanent.

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