Monday, September 15, 2014

Interview with Bertha Underhill - CCWD Candidate District 3

Why are you running for the CCWD Board?
 For the last 5 years, CCWD, under the direction of the General Managers and Board, has been in a downward spiral with its financial and policy decisions - $3 million Headquarters Building, UNCONSCIONABLE 2013 Rate Increase, for starters.

What are your qualifications?
 I have served 2 – 4 year terms in 2001 to 2009.  Left, of my own volition, and watched CCWD self-destruct.

What, if anything, will you do to protect our water rights?
 The 1st logical act, for protection of water rights, would be to rehire the Water Resources Specialist, whose job was eliminated by a past General Manager at a very critical time in CCWD’s operation. 

Do you support the wild and scenic designation of the Moke River?
 I support the general concept but not SB 1199.

What is your stand on fleet gas cards and accountability of CCWD vehicle use via GPS or other means?

Will investigation into the alleged depletion and/or disappearance of the reserve funds be a priority?
Will familiarize myself with on-going launched investigations

What new programs/policies would you like to see implemented?

 Before, new programs/policies are implemented, it makes sense to refine and review existing ones.  However, we must be open to change those that affect the health and safety of ratepayers.

What do you feel is working within CCWD well and would leave alone?
The best part of CCWD, right now, is the delivery of high quality water to the ratepayer.
Will you or will you not, push for the completion of the sewer line on Little John Road? Why?
Sufficient development, in the area, to insure adequate sewer flows will influence my advocacy for completion.

Do you support or oppose groundwater regulations?

 Need to look at the big picture.

Please explain the your understanding of the North Fork Stanislaus River Hydro Electric Development Project.

At this point you may add a prepared statement of no more than 300 words.

The importance of the Calaveras County Water District, now and in the future, must be of the highest priority to the Region.  Hand-in-hand is the importance of the RATEPAYER.  To this group, I offer my loyalty, as you are the driving force.  I pledge OVERSIGHT, ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY with my election.

Bertha Underhill, Candidate for CCWD District 3, Ebbetts Pass