At the 7-11-13 CFPD Board meeting the the Board agreed to have Copper Fire chairman Maness and the chairman of the Murphys Fire Board meet and hammer out details of the contractual shared service agreement between the two fire districts.
Though LAFCO recently unanimously accepted recommendations of a consulting firm outlining mergers of fire districts, this service agreement does not include this.
The service agreement will be covering the responsibility of shared costs for the fire chief and clerical as well as touching on equipment use and shared volunteer personnel.
Chief Kovacs also added that he would like to see, in the future, additions to the agreement to include items such as combination of training programs and fire prevention services.
Keith Anderson requested that the shared service agreement be revisited yearly. Maness added that the revisit should be in May to coordinate with the budget process.
The agreement will need to be sent to insurance carriers and legal counsel prior to adoption.
On another subject at the board meeting the Board unanimously agreed to end medical coverage for retirees hired after January 1, 2013.