Thursday, February 7, 2013

VFW Presentation of Award to Teacher of the Year

On February 4, 2013 representatives from the James D Piper VFW Post 12118 in Copperopolis and the Ladies Auxiliary presented Bret Harte History teacher Jennifer Truman with a Teacher of the Year Award at the Bret Harte School Board meeting. The Board was hushed, with intermittent oohs and ahhs, as they listened to how Jennifer rose through the various challenges, ultimately outshining so many others.

Jennifer had been nominated in the fall of 2012 by VFW Post 12118 as their chosen teacher of the year for their post. Her nomination won her the District Teacher of the year being the top choice out of out 22 other post nominations. From there Jennifer's nomination went to State competition where her nomination competed against 322 other posts State wide. Once again Jennifer was chosen as number 1. From here Jennifer's nomination heads to the nationals, where she will be competing against 56 other states and territories for the coveted award of VFW National Teacher of the Year. That award should be announced within the next two months.

Congratulations Jennifer!

Pictured Judy Horn-Taylor, Gary Taylor, Al Putney, Scott Nanik, Richard Meyer, Jennifer Truman-Nanik, Ralph Murphy, Al Gilbert, Jay Hennel, Sue Putney, Richard Dost, and Mel Ogg.

 Jennifer Truman- Nanik, Al Gilbert, Ralph Murphy
For more pictures CLICK HERE