Thursday, February 7, 2013

Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor;

It was recently brought to my attention that a citizen in Copperopolis had an issue with regards to our young men and women serving in our military. The statement made was, “I did not ask your sons to fight for my freedom and I am Not appreciating his service.”

In response to the comments made, I would like to point to the recent article on Nicholas Maness in the Copper Gazette;
If it were not for these young men and women, and thousands before them you would probably not have the “right” to speak those words, print those words, nor say those words in “English”.

Do you realize it is young men like Nicholas and so many before him that have fought for your “rights” from the beginning of these United States? Brave men and women, young and old have fought just so you could have the freedom of thought, speech and pen. And you want to be unthankful to them and all who came before them? SHAME ON YOU.

Since 1775, 848,163 brave men and women have died in battle to ensure that you have the freedoms you have today. 1,531,036 have suffered unspeakable wounds in battle for you. And there are 38,159 men and women still missing and unaccounted for, just for you. 

I ask this person, whom do you wish to thank for your freedom(s)? 

Do you appreciate your freedom?  If you do, is there not a group that you would wish to say “thank you” to?

As a citizen, I am appalled by your attitude. As a Veteran I am offended. Do you think all the liberties you enjoy were hanging on a tree just to be picked? Guess again. Freedom isn’t Free lady, never was, never will be. We must be thankful that brave young men like Nicholas continue to “fight for us”.
I for one am forever thankful to Nicholas and all who serve with him, and those before him. 

A proud veteran
Allen Gilbert

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Allen Gilbert's letter, I'm a vet too. I volunteered for Vietnam at a time when there was a draft many who were inducted did so only because our Country asked. We no longer have a draft, but our Countries young still step up all volunteers, including my Grandson, in our armed forces. They are serving to preserve the freedoms Americans enjoy including yours. These include your right to free speech and press which you are using to denigrate their sacrifice. I don't agree with your opinion, but it is your "right". Since, in my opinion you don't appreciate America's rights, maybe you should join those who would destroy our way of life and deny our freedom.
    The preceding message is brought to you by some who gave all, and all who gave some.
    Dave lander
