Tuesday, December 4, 2012

CCPAC Votes on Boundaries for Copperopolis Community Plan

After nine months of deliberation and many maps, presentations and vocal community and developer input the Copperopolis Community Advisory Committee voted on a boundary map for the Copperopolis Community Plan. The vote was 4 to 3 with Steve Hutchings and Jim Tower voting no and Steve Marks abstaining.

It does not include lands East of O'Byrnes past the commercial area of Lake Tulloch Shopping Center (IGA) towards the bridge. It does include all developments either approved or pending approval with permits pulled as well as some land East of O'Byrnes just South of old town. No additional lands across Highway 4 were included. Many developers put forth presentations, speeches and information promoting more land to be included in the boundaries, most notably a 931 acre parcel in the valley of Table Top. Public Works reiterated the fact of increased cost to the benefit basin and the residents of Copperopolis if too much land was included as well as costs shouldered by the County that he felt could not be shouldered at this time.

CCWD also submitted their Copper Cove Water master plan  build out map.