Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Senate Finally Passes Lungren Bill to Repeal 1099 Measure in Health Care Reform Law

Washington D.C. – Today the Senate voted 87- 12 to pass H.R. 4, a bill introduced by Congressman Lungren almost exactly a year ago.  H.R. 4 will repeal the unpopular 1099 tax reporting requirement in the health care law.  The onerous tax reporting mandate would have imposed a paperwork nightmare on small businesses.  Upon hearing the news of the Senate’s vote, Congressman Lungren released the following statement:
“Today is a great day for small business owners in my district and all across America. The placement of this tax provision into the government run health care law was ill advised.  This provision demonstrated that the bill’s authors did not consider the job creators of America and those who lay awake at night trying to figure out how to make payroll.  The President has already pledged to do away with the expanded 1099 provision and I am pleased the bill will go to his desk for signature.” 

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