Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Letter from Congressman Dan Lungren

Lungren: "The time for justice to be done has finally arrived."

Washington, DC –Congressman Dan Lungren (R-Gold River-CA), former California Attorney General, gave the following statement after U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said the U.S. Department of Justice will prosecute Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) and the 9-11 co-conspirators in a military commission trial. 
“Attorney General Eric Holder announced today that the United States Department of Justice will move the trials of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) and four other individuals to military commissions. This represents another reversal of the Administration’s earlier plans to try KSM in a civilian court located somewhere in the United States after an earlier reversal of the decision to try the 9-11 mastermind in New York City. 
“Ironically, in making the announcement to move the case to the Department of Defense for prosecution, Attorney General Holder blamed the Congress for forcing his hand in the matter.  As one who opposed trying the case in our civilian court system, I am honored to be associated with Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle who have all along argued that the Administration should reverse is wrong headed decision. 
“Attorney General Holder launched an ad hominem attack on those who disagree with him for “settling ideological arguments or scoring political points.”   Although he most likely had something else in mind when he said it, I find myself at least in agreement with his sentiments.  Ideology and politics should have nothing to do with the criminal justice system.    The trial of this case should have proceeded months ago.  Were it not for precipitous decisions followed by agonizing delays over where it was politically feasible for this case to be tried, that would have been the case.   The victims of 9-11 deserved no less.  The time for justice to be done has finally arrived.”

Congressman Dan Lungren serves as Chairman on the House Administration Committee in addition to serving on the Judiciary and Homeland Security Committees

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