Friday, April 1, 2011

California Rangeland Trust- Conserving Open Space

The California Rangeland Trust, developed in 1998, mission statement that reads, To conserve the open space, natural habitat and stewardship of California's ranches,” speaks volumes to their commitment of preserving ranching as a viable way of life. Partnered with Wildlife Conservation Board they have managed to protect over 166,000 acres of rangeland since 2001. This partnership has created a strong partner and ally for cattlemen to help save ranches, habitat and wildlife from the pressures of development.
In the summer of 2005 the California Rangeland Conservation Coalition, a group of unlikely partners; environmentalists, cattlemen, and government agencies, “drafted a resolution documenting common ground for the conservation of the rangeland encircling the Central Valley, including the Sierra foothills and interior Coast Ranges.”  With the intent to aid in maintaining ranching as a viable way of life while conserving rangeland, protecting wildlife and improving the quality of water. The resolution is signed by the California Rangeland Trust and over 75 agricultural organizations, environmental interest groups, as well as state and federal agencies.
The California Rangeland Trust worked with the Trust for Public Land in assembling funds from the State of California Department of Conservation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Great Valley Center to purchase the conservation easement.” All done to protect not only a way of life, but to protect the multitude of ecosystems that rely heavily upon the open private rangeland.

Ranches in our area in the California Rangeland Trust are: Touch the Earth Ranch, Calaveras; Orvis Ranch, Stanislaus and Calaveras; Cook Ranch, San Joaquin; Cunningham Ranch, Merced; East Sheridan, Placer; Ecker Ranch, Madera; Ichord Ranch, Merced;  Nelson Cattle Ranch, Merced.

For more information on California Rangeland Trust visit, or for information regarding the California Rangeland Conservation Coalition visit

By, Charity Maness

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