Thursday, April 7, 2011

Belva Bristol Celebrates 3rd year as a Turkey Trotter in the Relay for Life

Each year the American Cancer Society hosts a fundraiser in Counties across the United States, it is known as the Relay for Life. The focus of the Relay for Life is not only to raise funds but to raise awareness, following the motto “Celebrate…Remember…Fight Back.” The relay consists of teams walking for a full 24 hour period, one team member at a time, or multiple, beginning on April 30th at 9 am and ending May 1st at 9 am. Teams raise money by obtaining sponsorship for their team and or donations for any individual on their team. This year’s event will be held at Calaveras High School in San Andreas.
Throughout the day each team will have booths set up with fun, games, face painting, food, etc to make the event a family fun event that accomplishes the mission of raising awareness and raising much needed funding for research. In the evening the track will be lit by luminaries bearing the names of loved ones lost to cancer.
Belva, herself, was first diagnosed with cancer in October of 2000. While she thought she might be on the road to remission, she was diagnosed with another form of cancer in 2004. She has been without cancer now a little over five years and says her doctor told her “if you are without cancer for 5 years you will be considered in remission.” Yet the fear does not subside, nor do the memories and the hope for a cure. “I am participating in the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life because I want to make a meaningful difference in the fight against cancer.”
Belva has been involved in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life for 7 years and has been with the Turkey Trotters for 3 years. She hopes to raise $200.00 for the Turkey Trotters prior to the Relay for Life Event on April 30th.  For more information on how to donate or become involved please visit BELVA’S INFO PAGE.

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