Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Vehicle Fire Little John and Quiver update

Early evening 9-6-11 CFPD (Copperopolis Fire Protection District) were dispatched to a possible vehicle fire on O'Byrnes and Copper Cove Drive. Multiple emergency vehicles patrolled the area all the way to the lake requesting updated possible locations from dispatch. Highway patrol located the scene at Little John and Quiver and rerouted emergency vehicles. Within minutes of arriving on the scene the fire was extinguished and had not spread to nearby vegetation. A full wildland dispatch had been called out in case of a vegetation fire.

According to a report from a responding CFPD firefighter, the owner of the vehicle was alerted to possible flames coming from under his vehicle by another driver on the road that flagged him down. He pulled over and his 1973 Corvette quickly became engulfed in flames.

At this time there has been no investigtor assigned to this call.

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