Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ted Gaines Wants your input on ridiculous regulations

WANTED: Ridiculous Regulations!

It’s no secret that California is a difficult place to do business. California’s regulatory burden is often cited in business literature, by CEOs and think tanks as a major impediment to job growth. 
The mountains of ridiculous regulations are a hidden tax on all of us as they are costly, frustrating and a waste of precious time. But complex and unnecessary rules are especially tough on small businesses that are on the front lines of the battle with the bureaucratic language, long wait times and unnecessary hoop-jumping triggered by thousands of rules from multiple levels of government.

That is why, for the past two years, I have introduced legislation that would require California state government to determine how many regulations it currently imposes and cut them significantly over several years’ time and then for every new regulation adopted by an agency, another would have to be cut. Unfortunately, both bills failed in Committee; however, I haven’t given up and will continue my crusade to help lighten the regulatory load for California citizens and businesses.

If British Columbia can successfully implement a similar system that is considered a key piece of the province’s economic growth – so can California!
I would like to hear from you! Please submit any ridiculous, burdensome regulations you’ve encountered and how they have hindered you from operating in California.

To submit your ridiculous regulation click HERE

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