Thursday, September 15, 2011

Letter to the Editor re: Mountain Oak Health Center in need of funding

Hello everyone, Mountain Oak Health Centers is in desperate need of your help.  It has been almost one year since we opened the clinic and to date we have not received any payment from Medi-Cal or Medicare despite our best efforts.  Because of this, our clinic is hanging on by a thread and we are struggling to keep our doors open.

We have over 1000 patients that we are serving and 55% are uninsured.

The latest blow to our program is that Quest Diagnostics decided to stop providing services because they are trying to collect $2500 of which we currently do not have.  We have attempted to reason with them but they would not provide us with an extension.  Consequently, we currently do not have any lab services at the moment.

If you would like to help support our efforts, any donation would be considered a blessing.

I often times wish that there is 48 hours in the day so that it would allow me to run the clinic and go to work as a nurse practitioner in order to receive an income which I can use to keep the clinic open.  Since this is not so, I have to have faith that a miracle is about to happen to keep this clinic open.  As Mother Theresa always believed, God will provide.

Have a blessed day.

Josie Martinez Ornum, MSN,FNP
Program Director
Mountain Oak Health Centers
556 Mountain Ranch Road
P.O. Box 536
San Andreas, CA  95249

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