Friday, May 16, 2014

Elect Tim Healy for Judge Dept 2

Paid for by Tim Healy for Superior Court Judge 2014.  FPPC # 1362643

My name is Tim Healy and I’m running for Superior Court Judge Department 2.  I am the only candidate for Department 2 who as a Criminal Prosecutor has dedicated his professional career to public safety, victims’ rights and seeking justice for all. 
Married to my best friend Rachel, we are raising our children here in Calaveras.  I have lived here for over 11 years, and my wife over 23.  An avid sportsman, I am active in Cub Scouts, a coach for Calaveras Youth Football and Friends of Calaveras County Fair.  My children have also been involved in Girl-Scouts, soft-ball, soccer, wrestling, baseball and CSTARS theatre.  I have a very real and vested interest in the future success of Calaveras County.

I have 25 years of experience in law and the private business sector.  Before beginning law school I worked as the operations manager for an auto parts warehouse.  While in outside sales I worked closely with farmers, ranchers and other small businesses.   

Having a Judge in Department 2 with Criminal Law experience is crucial for Calaveras County!  This is because over 75% of all cases in our Courts are Criminal and Department 2 hears Criminal cases.  In 2013, nearly 1500 adult misdemeanor and felony cases were heard by Calaveras Courts.  As a Criminal Prosecutor responsible for deciding whether our office was going to charge a suspect with a crime, I reviewed over 10,000 police reports in just the two years between 2011 and 2013.  It will take YEARS for a Judge without my experience sitting in a Calaveras Court to see the number of criminal cases and gain the experience I already have!  No other candidate for Department 2 has my experience! 

 I have also worked with Civil Law (employment, personal injury, real estate and family law) as both a law school intern and in my current assignment as the lead attorney for the San Joaquin County Child Abduction Unit.  This assignment requires me to work extensively with both Family and International Law.  No other candidate for Department 2 has this experience!  I have had the honor to teach law students as an adjunct law professor at Humphreys College, as well.  No other candidate for Department 2 has this experience! 

Superior Court Department 2 is a Court of Justice.  If elected I promise to use my experience and my love for our county to do my very best, every day, in every case.  I will pursue public safety, ensure justice and see every voice gets a chance to be heard while being fair, honest and keeping an open mind to both sides.  I am asking for your vote June 3rd.  It’s your choice Calaveras!  


Tim Healy