Monday, March 5, 2012

Spellman's preliminary recall response submited to County Elections Office

District 5 Supervisor Darren Spellman's response to the recall petition is due at the County Election Dept on Tuesday March 5, 2012. When he completed comprising his response he submitted his response to media outlets. The following is his response:

Recall Response (March 2012)

Legally it only takes twenty unhappy voters to file recall paperwork, but I will never make excuses for defending the thousands who elected me, rather than seeking approval from the political in crowd.
The voters want lasting solutions, not just band-aids, for important issues in our county.

In my efforts to provide exceptional service you have unparalleled flexibility should you need to contact me. Via I-phone technology (self provided) I’m always available 12/7/365 by phone, e-mail and text. This allows me to respond in real time if necessary.
We pay taxes to have hassle free county services and shouldn’t have to worry about public safety. We deserve a decent level of satisfaction, we are the customers here.
Since I campaigned listing my honesty and ethical approach as my strengths with a commitment to continuously improve our county, it’s no surprise the small, but vocal, insider group is upset I won’t join their club.
Honest elected representatives are uncommon.
They said I’d change once I was in office, that I’d become a politician.
Apparently they’re disappointed.
Could someone please lend these recall people some sugar for their sour grapes?
Thanks for your continued support.       

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