Friday, September 6, 2013

Thanks to those who came to the community garden work 'party' Thursday evening

Thanks so much to all that came to work in the garden last night. My attempt to find a free source of clear plastic to cover the rows growing weeds goes on. A large amount of used shrink wrap was collected from Save Mart and IGA but it did not work as it was narrow and torn pieces. I am looking for a role of 12' x 100' clear polyethylene to cover and cook that nasty morning glory. If you have a source, let me know.
George was able to purchase 2,000 onion seeds. Thank you George:) We distributed cell pack seed starter kits and onion seeds to volunteers last evening. In about three weeks those will need to be transplanted.
Next Thursday evening we will rototill  goat manure and soft rock phosphate into the onion rows. We do need at least two 5 gallon buckets of wood ash from your fireplace. Help!
Again thanks for the helpers who were able to volunteer,
Richard D

P.S. The next community garden work 'party' will beheld Thursday 9-12-13 at 6:30 pm.