This is an appeal to anyone who owns property in Calaveras
County and is served by CCWD (Calaveras County Water District). Unless a majority of customers protests,
rates will be raised every year for the next five years, beginning this
September. This means that the minimum
bi-monthly bill you will receive starting this fall will be $254 and will rise
to $352.60 in 2017 - even if you use less than 1000 cubic feet of water! This is a 25% water rate increase in the
first year alone.
But you can protest, and “if a majority of the affected
property owners file protests, the proposed rate changes will not be imposed,”
according to CCWD. Please go to to read more about this proposed
rate increase and to download a sample protest letter. Mail it
in time to arrive before July 10 and pass the word to your neighbors!
S. McHale