This gentleman is an American WWII Veteran, now 91 years old, who is so supportive of our troops in the Middle East and around the world. He would like to remind us of the camaraderie and moral support our troops had for one another during WWII and is hoping to see a particular character updated. If anyone remembers “Kilroy”, he was everywhere our troops went. For instance, this gentleman tells of the time he found himself alone in a bombed out section of a village and had to make his way back to his unit. Slipping carefully through old buildings and feeling alone and afraid, he came across a familiar phrase scratched on a back wall, “Kilroy was here”. He says he was encouraged by the realization he was not the first American soldier to pass through that dangerous area and he knew that he would make it out of that area, just as those who had gone before him. The Russians actually thought Kilroy was either a spy or a code word and they went to great effort to locate and capture him or de-code the phrase.
He also tells of how the troops entertained one another (remember, they didn’t have much contact with anyone outside their unit). One skit they would act out had to do with a sentry or guard calling out in the darkness, “Who goes there?” Not realizing the response was his echo, he next would say, “Who dat?” It would snowball into a routine of, “Who dat say ‘who dat’ when I say “who dat?” Yes, Who Dat? was around many years before the New Orleans Saints began using the phrase. Long story short, this wonderful WWII Veteran now jokingly says Whodat? is Kilroy’s great grandson.

His request is this: There are occasional Kilroy sightings but very few compared to WWII. The next time our US and Allied Troops find yourselves in a place far from home, know you have millions praying for your safe return and blaze that trail, leave either “Kilroy was here” or “Whodat? was here” for those who will follow you. God bless you all and thank you for your Service and Sacrifices.
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