Saturday, August 11, 2012

State Fire Fee Bills in the Mail

UPDATE: 8-13-12
Calaveras County Fire Prevention Fee Assessments are slated to be mailed August 24th through the 29th.

If you have not received your bill processed by the Board of Equalization for your $150.00 State Fire will shortly, as the mailings have begun.

'The State Responsibility Area (SRA) Fire Prevention Benefit Fee was enacted following the signing of Assembly Bill X1 29 in July 2011. The law approved the new annual Fire Prevention Fee to pay for fire prevention services within the SRA. The fee is applied to all habitable structures within the SRA.
The fee is levied at the rate of $150 per habitable structure, which is defined as a building that can be occupied for residential use. Owners of habitable structures who are also within the boundaries of a local fire protection agency will receive a reduction of $35 per habitable structure.
This fee will fund a variety of important fire prevention services within the SRA including brush clearance and activities to improve forest health so the forest can better withstand wildfire.'

If you have received your bill and it does not reflect your $35.00 discount due to the fact that you live within the Copperopolis Fire Protection District, you will need to file a petition for redetermination.
To access a PDF petition for redetermination CLICK HERE

Please note the funds collected from this tax  do not add equipment or manpower, nor do they supplement local fire agencies in any way. Copperopolis Fire Protection District will not receive one single penny from this tax.