Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bret Harte Senior Carson Elllington Presents Check to Copperopolis VFW

Bret Harte Senior and Copperopolis resident Carson Ellington presented a check in the amount of $1,500.00 to the action committee to form a VFW in Copperopolis at Saturday nights Veteran's Spaghetti Feed dinner.
Carson had chosen for his senior project to honor his friend and fallen hero LCPL Gavin Brummund by hosting a Golf Tournament in his name with the proceeds to benefit local veterans.
With a phenominal turnout for the event, held in April, Carson was able to not only to raise an amazing amount of funds for the formation of a Copperopolis VFW but also he helped remind many of the great loss of Gavin's young
life, placing his name in the hearts of many, so that his memory will never be forgotten.

Pictured from left to right Al Gilbert, Michael McDaniel, Carson Ellington
Photo by Kyran Enzi

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