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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Copper Gazette endorsements

The Copper Gazette does not endorse any candidate for political office.

We believe that each citizen should be informed and make their own educated decisions without influence from the press.

With this said, here are the links to the previous Copper Gazette interviews of candidates, each candidate was given the same questions pertaining to the office they are seeking and no interviews were posted for said office prior to receipt of all completed questionnaires:

District 3 candidate interviews

To read the interviews of each candidate click on the candidate name.
Michael Oliveira

Mike Borean

Merita Callaway

Sheriff candidate interviews

To read the interviews of each candidate click on the candidate name.

Sheriff Gary Kuntz

Pat Garrahan

Complete Calaveras County Superior Court Judge candidate interviews

To read a candidates interview, please click on their name.

Hugh Swift

Grant Barrett

Dana Pheil

Ken Foley

John Trifilo

Tim Healy