Monday, December 13, 2010

Blog Update from Supervisor Spellman

Calaveras “pooch paradise” with Palm Springs amenities?

San Andreas
In Tuesday’s  meeting of the Board of Supervisors there were many items on the agenda for the day, many of which were discussed passionately by voters from around the county, but the one item that stuck out for me was the discussion about the proposed new Animal Services facility to replace what virtually everyone agrees is an desperately inadequate facility.
Three different locations with, site specific, estimated cost analysis plans were presented by Brian Moss, Calaveras County Environmental Health Director for the members of the board to consider in preparation for a new facility.
The actual construction costs of a building were negated in the conversation since regardless of preferred site location, the planned structure would be the same architecturally, or that is the plan. So that leaves only a comparison of cost associated to specific sites for review.
If the new facility were to be built on the current Government Center site, not far from the existing site, just a little farther east, on approximately 3 acres, the cost would be significantly lower due to already existing infrastructure such as water, sewer, electricity and other factors.
Government Center site………………………$53,715.00
HWY 4 and Vallecito Road………………………..$198,149.00
HWY 49 and Angels Road………………………………..$597,891.00
While many issues were discussed including future capacity, animal noise and potential odor from the animals, the architectural firm representative that will be handling the plans gave testimony that with these updated facilities that are completely enclosed, with the exception of a open play/exercise area, there are absolutely no sounds or odors outside of the building. This was a relief to most and seemed to be reason to accept the government center site without hesitation if for nothing else, proximity to the Sheriff’s office which is responsible for running the facility and seconded by most members of the Calaveras Humane Society that spoke during public comment.
When the discussion went back to the board District 3 Supervisor Merita Callaway had questions regarding the HWY 49 site, in specific about the ability to construct not just an indoor facility with an exercise run , but an expansive “Indoor-Outdoor” facility with the possibility of walking trails.
The architectural representative said, sure “We are working on an indoor-outdoor facility right now in Palm Springs and it’s a fabulous facility”.

There is no doubt that we need an updated facility and the majority of testimony given was in favor of the cost effective government site, both from the Sheriff’s office and the Humane Society.
Yet, when the supervisors voiced their opinions on what will eventually come to a vote at some later date, Supervisor Callaway was adamant that the most expensive HWY 49 indoor-outdoor “Palm Springs” style facility was what she intended to vote for. The Calaveras Humane Society did not even favor this site.

Tryon…………favors Government Center
Wilensky…….favors Government Center
Tofanelli…….Does not believe government center is best option
Callaway…….HWY 49 “Pooch Paradise”
Spellman …..favors Government Center (when it comes to the board in 2011)
Please contact your supervisor and let them know how you feel about their position on this issue and encourage them to either continue to favor, or move towards choosing the option that not only helps our animal friends with a badly needed updated facility, but one that is more affordable and logical in location, which is at the government center.
We can’t afford a Palm Springs style “Pooch Paradise” in Calaveras County!
As always, in your service…………….Supervisor Spellman

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