Devastating wildfires threaten California every year, and to ensure
Californians are ready, California’s Governor proclaims the first full
week of May as “Wildfire Awareness Week”.
During Wildfire Awareness Week, CAL FIRE is reminding Californians
that when it comes to wildfires, remember “Ready, Set, Go!”. Be Ready for a wildfire by maintaining 100 feet of Defensible Space and hardening your home with fire resistant building materials. Be Set
for a wildfire by having a wildfire action plan in place so you know
what to take and where to go if you are evacuated. Lastly, Go early when a wildfire approaches or you are asked to evacuate.
Homeowners looking for additional information on how to prepare
themselves, their families and their homes for wildfire can visit
The site offers tips for residents to make their homes more resistant
to wildfires and to ensure that their families are ready to evacuate
early and safely when a wildfire strikes.