Calaveras County Water District continues to urge customers
to use water wisely. Water conservation
is always a good idea.
As the Drought picture becomes clear, CCWD will implement
appropriate programs and policies to address water conservation. At this time, the district is advising that
all measures are voluntary. While water
supplies may be challenged during the upcoming year; good stewardship of the
districts’ resources may be adequate to avoid mandatory restrictions.
The drought and current water supply conditions Statewide are
severe. We are linked; hydrologic and
economic interdependence mandate prudence of our water use to preserve and
protect the resource for the benefit of all.
However, not all water use in the state is the same. Much of the water used in the higher
watersheds is returned to the base flows within a reasonably short time, while
other water ultimately recharges the groundwater basins in a much slower
fashion. Being near the source, keeping
both surface flows and subsurface flows charged are pieces in a much larger
puzzle. Cautious and conservative water
use is always warranted and wasting water is unlawful.
Levelheaded approaches can be productive and helpful to
assist the state achieve the Governor’s goal. Join us, as we try to reduce our water use by
20 gallons each day. Water saving tips
are available at: