Thursday, May 31, 2012
Letter to the Editor - from the Hamblin Family
May 23, 2012
The following events are true and accurate. The proceedings are public record in Calaveras County.
member of our family was arrested at his home in March of 2009. Charges
were numerous and bail set high. There was little chance for adequate
defense as bail was not an option and Attorney / Client conversations
are recorded in the Calaveras County Jail. Throughout a year long
ordeal, the District Attorney’s Office scared and shocked our family
with their blatant misuse of their positions and countless acts of
unethical behavior. We wanted to let other families who have been
victims of the Calaveras County District Attorney’s Office know of the
behavior we witnessed and encourage them to come forward as well. As
evidenced in court documents, these are highlights of the abusive
actions taken by their office.
An ANti-Jobs Budget letter from BOE Rep George Runner
your elected member of the California State Board of Equalization, I am
fighting to ensure your voice is heard in Sacramento. As always, I
welcome your ideas about how we can work together to solve the pressing
problems facing our state.
An Anti-Jobs Budget
As Governor Jerry Brown was forced to admit when he released his revised budget,
California's budget deficit has grown substantially since January--from
$9.2 billion to $15.7 billion. There are several reasons for this
larger deficit: (1) the Governor's prior budget projections have proven
overly optimistic, (2) spending has grown this year and (3) the
Governor's budget anticipates growing spending even more in the next
fiscal year.
contrary to what you may have heard, state spending and revenues are
actually growing--and they're growing without tax increases.
According to California Budget Fact Check,
general fund revenues are expected to grow $4.9 billion in the fiscal
tax year without a tax increase. And total state spending, which
includes special funds and federal dollars, is higher than ever and will
near $225 billion by next year.
problem isn't that we don't have enough money. The problem is that is
that the Governor and others want to increase spending even faster than
the money is coming in.
Breaking up is hard to do - a country girls viewpoint - By Tori
Breaking up is hard to do...
Ok, I’d like to speak to the ladies for a little bit. Men, skip down to the next paragraph. Did you skip? No, don’t keep reading here, just go to the next paragraph. It’s the next section of writing. Down there. Go. Please. Shoo. Are the men gone? Ok, good. Ladies, you’ve all been there. Or at least a good amount of you have been there. You know how it is. You see the hunky guy, he’s handsome, and though he’s seriously lacking in some areas, he’s still so gorgeous you want to date him. Your friends are jealous of you, and when you walk down the street, other women turn and say, “Wow, what a hunk!” You can admit it, sometimes you date a guy just because he’s well, pretty.
Hi guys. Thanks for skipping down to this bit. I wanted to talk to you privately, and while the ladies are busy with that section up there, I have a few minutes with you. Now is the time to come clean. You have been on a date with a woman before, not because you were interested in her personality, but maybe for her cooking, her prettier friend, or even her family’s hunting cabin. For whatever reason, you were not interested in this lady in the slightest, but she showed up and you let her hang around, because hey, no harm done, right? You let her tell everyone you’re together, she does what you tell her just to be near you, and you sometimes forget her name.
Now, everyone can read this. I was in a similar relationship. With a fat white horse. But you see, he was pretty. Tall, muscular, and handsome. Friends would come and stand in awe of his beauty. A huge white horse, just like in the fairy tales, with a long mane and tail, with gentle eyes and a soft spot for candy canes. Visitors to the barn would gasp and say, “Wow, what a handsome guy!” I’d show photos of him to people, and they would genuinely be interested in him, asking all about my horse. Children would ask in an innocent way, “Can I have him?” I basked in the adoration and glory of my horse’s beauty.

Ok, I’d like to speak to the ladies for a little bit. Men, skip down to the next paragraph. Did you skip? No, don’t keep reading here, just go to the next paragraph. It’s the next section of writing. Down there. Go. Please. Shoo. Are the men gone? Ok, good. Ladies, you’ve all been there. Or at least a good amount of you have been there. You know how it is. You see the hunky guy, he’s handsome, and though he’s seriously lacking in some areas, he’s still so gorgeous you want to date him. Your friends are jealous of you, and when you walk down the street, other women turn and say, “Wow, what a hunk!” You can admit it, sometimes you date a guy just because he’s well, pretty.
Hi guys. Thanks for skipping down to this bit. I wanted to talk to you privately, and while the ladies are busy with that section up there, I have a few minutes with you. Now is the time to come clean. You have been on a date with a woman before, not because you were interested in her personality, but maybe for her cooking, her prettier friend, or even her family’s hunting cabin. For whatever reason, you were not interested in this lady in the slightest, but she showed up and you let her hang around, because hey, no harm done, right? You let her tell everyone you’re together, she does what you tell her just to be near you, and you sometimes forget her name.
Now, everyone can read this. I was in a similar relationship. With a fat white horse. But you see, he was pretty. Tall, muscular, and handsome. Friends would come and stand in awe of his beauty. A huge white horse, just like in the fairy tales, with a long mane and tail, with gentle eyes and a soft spot for candy canes. Visitors to the barn would gasp and say, “Wow, what a handsome guy!” I’d show photos of him to people, and they would genuinely be interested in him, asking all about my horse. Children would ask in an innocent way, “Can I have him?” I basked in the adoration and glory of my horse’s beauty.

HWY 26 fire 50% contained
A 37 acre brush fire at Highway 26 cross of Paloma Road is now 50% contained.
Five engines, four hand crews, and two water tenders continue to work the incident.
Odie's Old Corner Homecoming BBQ
Celebrate Homecoming with a down-home BBQ and horseshoe tournament at Odie's Old Corner.
Following the parade just stop on by and enjoy an afternoon of friends, food and horse shoes!
Following the parade just stop on by and enjoy an afternoon of friends, food and horse shoes!
Snaps wine tasting featuring Frogs Tooth
On June 8, 2012 from 5-8 pm Snaps Coffee House and Wine Bar will be hosting their Friday night Flights featuring Frogs Tooth Vineyards.
Frogs Tooth Vineyards are located right here in Copperopolis nestled in the rolling foothills of Salt Spring valley. With the purchase of acreage in 1999 to the crushing of their first grapes for their vintage 2005 wine to the opening of their first wine tasting room in Murphys in 2007, Frogs Tooth has made leaps and bounds in the wine-making community. Proud recipients of multiple 'double gold' medals along with a plethora of silver and bronze Frogs Tooth has proven that their little winery has what it takes.
For a list of all Frog Tooths wine awards click here
Frogs Tooth Vineyards are located right here in Copperopolis nestled in the rolling foothills of Salt Spring valley. With the purchase of acreage in 1999 to the crushing of their first grapes for their vintage 2005 wine to the opening of their first wine tasting room in Murphys in 2007, Frogs Tooth has made leaps and bounds in the wine-making community. Proud recipients of multiple 'double gold' medals along with a plethora of silver and bronze Frogs Tooth has proven that their little winery has what it takes.
For a list of all Frog Tooths wine awards click here
Bake Sale for Youth Summer Camp
Just a shot of a couple of our wonderful youth from Copper Canyon Baptist Church who held a bake sale to raise funds for a summer camp the youth wish to attend.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Board of Supervisors 5-22-12 meeting video
May 22, 2012 Board of Supervisors video from Community Action Project provided by Calaveras Public Access TV.
Sonora PD Press release re:vehicle accident
29 May 2012, at approx. 8:20 pm, the Sonora Police Department
responded to a reported vehicle vs. motorcycle accident at the
intersection of South Washington Street and Church Street.
Note from the Editor
During this campaign the Copper Gazette has come under fire for not reporting the 'news' on candidates for local and county level seats. This said, it is the full intention of the Copper Gazette to post factual information, when attainable.
It is also, however, the Copper Gazette's stand to write articles and cover stories that promote the lifestyle we live here, the wonderful people that make up our community and the events that make us as strong as we are. Some issues are less pleasant than others, but all-in-all Copper is a wonderful place to live with a vibrant and active community service oriented base of organizations and people.
I want to personally thank all of you that read the Gazette for your on going support.
Charity Maness
Anonymous comments will be allowed on this post.
It is also, however, the Copper Gazette's stand to write articles and cover stories that promote the lifestyle we live here, the wonderful people that make up our community and the events that make us as strong as we are. Some issues are less pleasant than others, but all-in-all Copper is a wonderful place to live with a vibrant and active community service oriented base of organizations and people.
I want to personally thank all of you that read the Gazette for your on going support.
Charity Maness
Anonymous comments will be allowed on this post.
VA Rural Health Mobile Medical Outreach Clinic coming to Copper 6-28-12
All Military Veterans!
The VA Rural Health Mobile Medical Outreach Clinic Team,
in Collaboration with Copperopolis VFW Post 12118, will be at the:
Fire Protection District Station
Main Street
CA 95228
June 28th
– 3:00pm
No appointment necessary! Veterans Service Officers, Enrollment
Specialists & Medical teams on site
Enterprise Asks Questions of District 4 Supervisor Candidates
Tom Tryon responses:
Debbie Ponte responses:
Russ Thomas responses:
Debbie Ponte responses:
Russ Thomas responses:
Letter from SHeriff Kuntz re:Amnesty Program
As Sheriff, I am pleased to announce that my Office has been successful
in obtaining an amnesty program to help aid the residents of Calaveras
County whose dog licenses may have lapsed due to the tough economic
times. Therefore, Calaveras County will have its first dog license
amnesty program beginning Saturday, June 23, 2012, and will run for 35
days from June 23, 2012, to July 28, 2012.
If you are delinquent on your dog license renewal, during the amnesty period you will be able to bring your dog license up to date without paying any back licensing fees or late fees.
If you are delinquent on your dog license renewal, during the amnesty period you will be able to bring your dog license up to date without paying any back licensing fees or late fees.
VFW Post 12118 Memorial Day Flag Ceremony
On May 28, 2012 the newly formed VFW Post 12118 held their first community flag raising ceremony at the Copperopolis Cemetery. Weeks before much work had gone into repairing the aging flagpole for the event.
The ceremony included a moving speech from Commander Al Gilbert, a wreath laid by veteran Richard Dost, a bouquet of flowers laid by veterans Don Schand and Danny Thomas. Each a symbol of remembrance, honor and respect for those who had served in our military and are now gone...but not forgotten.
The names of each veteran laid to rest in Copperopolis Cemetery was read, as was the war or era in which they served. In the weeks leading up to the ceremony the cemetery had been carefully mapped out by members of the VFW with the names and sites of each veteran buried within its walls. Following the ceremony youth representatives from Copper Hills 4-H assisted veterans with the placement of American flags on each veterans grave.
For more pictures CLICK HERE
The ceremony included a moving speech from Commander Al Gilbert, a wreath laid by veteran Richard Dost, a bouquet of flowers laid by veterans Don Schand and Danny Thomas. Each a symbol of remembrance, honor and respect for those who had served in our military and are now gone...but not forgotten.
The names of each veteran laid to rest in Copperopolis Cemetery was read, as was the war or era in which they served. In the weeks leading up to the ceremony the cemetery had been carefully mapped out by members of the VFW with the names and sites of each veteran buried within its walls. Following the ceremony youth representatives from Copper Hills 4-H assisted veterans with the placement of American flags on each veterans grave.
For more pictures CLICK HERE
Copper students to compete in County-wide Math Bowl
21 fifth and sixth grade students from Copperopolis Elementary will be competing against 10 other elementary schools in Calaveras County at the annual county-wide Math bowl on May 31, 2012.
The students that will represent Copperopolis Elementary School are:
5th grade
Maverick Cano
Raymond Garcia
Tristen Newlon
Mossy Pahrman
Emma Queirolo
Brianna Tyre
Seth Filkins
Jenny Payne
Ellie Tafjen
Kody McLaughlin
6th grade
Chloe Caywood
Shileen Andico
Ashley Hibdon
Alexia Stafford
Skylar Pilati
Chase Collins
Catelyn Baker
Lauren Emerick
Elizabeth VandenBosch
Joseph Miramontes
alternate: Makayla Avalos
The students that will represent Copperopolis Elementary School are:
5th grade
Maverick Cano
Raymond Garcia
Tristen Newlon
Mossy Pahrman
Emma Queirolo
Brianna Tyre
Seth Filkins
Jenny Payne
Ellie Tafjen
Kody McLaughlin
6th grade
Chloe Caywood
Shileen Andico
Ashley Hibdon
Alexia Stafford
Skylar Pilati
Chase Collins
Catelyn Baker
Lauren Emerick
Elizabeth VandenBosch
Joseph Miramontes
alternate: Makayla Avalos
The event consists of 3 categories – The BLITZ (a 40-minute
individual competition with 50 questions); the HUDDLE (a pairs competition
where students work alone for 25 minutes and then together for 15 minutes); and
the BOMB (a five-member team event).
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Copperopolis Olive Oil Company - olive oil recipes galore!
From a Mediterranean Caprese Salad with basil olive oil to balsamic chicken thighs with some butter and garlic olive oil shrimp thrown in for good measure, the recipes are all there on the Copperopolis Olive Oil facebook page. Like ''ll love it!
Community Garden Meeting
The monthly community garden meeting will be held Wednesday May 30, 2012 at 5:30 PM at the Copperopolis Branch Library.
Sheriff Dept Press Release re:Man Arrested in Copperopolis for Possession of Heroin
(Copperopolis, CA) On 05/26/12 at approx. 10:15 PM, Calaveras County Sheriff’s deputies assigned to the Special Enforcement Unit were patrolling the area of Copperopolis. While patrolling they received a tip from a citizen who reported illegal use of narcotics inside a vehicle in the 200 block of Thompson Lane in Copperopolis. Upon arrival at the location the deputies found a vehicle with two occupants, Christopher Staedler (21) of Monterey, and a 17 year old female. Upon further investigation the deputies learned that the suspects had been smoking marijuana. Additionally, the deputies found a bindle of suspected heroin in Mr. Staedler’s pants pocket along with evidence that the two suspects may have been smoking the suspected heroin. Mr. Staedler tried to conceal the heroin from the deputies prior to them finding it. The heroin was tested and confirmed. Upon being interviewed, Mr. Staedler stated that he had purchased the narcotic outside of Calaveras County.
Sheriff Dept Press release re:Man and Woman Arrested for Vehicle Theft
(San Andreas, CA) On 05/19/12 at approx. 1:30 AM Calaveras Sheriff’s
Deputies assigned to the Special Enforcement Unit located an occupied
suspicious vehicle parked in the driveway of a vacant residence located
in the 500 block of Lewis Avenue in San Andreas. Inside the vehicle the
deputies identified Nicholas Frazier (29) and Carrie Smith (38), both of
Herald, CA.
Absentee Ballot Report 5-29-12
ABSENTEE BALLOT REPORTS by Political Data Inc. and
Redistricting Partners
The order :
Total Voters
Absentee Voters
Share of Voters who are Absentee
Absentees Already Voted
% Already Voted
CALAVERAS 5,284 3,336
63% 884 26%
CALAVERAS 5,385 3,448
64% 876 25%
CALAVERAS 6,139 3,777
62% 1,174 31%
CALAVERAS 5,979 3,711
62% 1,077 29%
CALAVERAS 5,030 2,787
55% 697 25%
New Melones FIshing Report 5-28-12 from Glory Hole Sports
Water Conditions: New Melones Lake is currently holding 1,852,824 acre-feet
of water. The lake level has dropped another 3 feet this week and is
currently at 1038 ft. above sea level and 50 ft. from full. Water
temperature is in the upper 60s and low 70s, getting warmer every day.
Lake is slightly stained, with mud lines forming around the shore on
windy days.
Trout: The
bite slowed down a bit for the bank anglers, and continues to get
better for the trolling anglers. The best bite time has been in the
early morning and in the late afternoon. Mid-day the fish will be in
deeper/cooler water or near shade. Bank anglers should target deeper
water near the main lake. Try using lures first thing in the morning and
switching to bait as the water warms up. Try using chrome, chrome/blue,
and gold colored Kastmasters. Also, try using nightcrawlers fished with
a Berkley Power Egg. This is a great way to float you bait off of the
bottom. Trolling anglers have been doing better since the trout have
moved off of the bank. Trolling spoons and spinners seem to be producing
quality fish. Try using a Needlefish, or a Rocky Mountain Serpent
Spoon, trolled behind flashers. Or a Macks Wedding Ring tipped with a
crawler. Night Fishing has been picking up. Drop Power Bait or minnows
under a submersible light near the spillway/dam, or under the Highway 49
Stevenot Bridge.
Winner of
the Glory Hole Sports Big Fish of the Week Contest goes to Michi
Marshall of Jackson. She caught a beautiful 4-pound 8-ounce brown trout
while trolling a wedding ring near the dam.
Support our Troops
This yellow ribbon is for Cody Calcagno.
Cody is the grandson of Sue and Al Putney. He will be returning soon from Afghanistan and will be stationed at Fort Drum, NY.
Thank you for your service Cody Calcagno.
Sheriff Kuntz to hold Town Hall meeting in Copper
Poole Station Fire 5-28-12
At 14:57 on 5-28-12, a possible vegetation fire was called in on Poole Station Fire up MJB Ranch Road. CalFire firefighters and hand-crews, along with helicopters and Sierra Conservation Center fire crews had the fire completely contained one hour later at 15:57. Total acres burned 1.3.
For more pictures CLICK HERE
For more pictures CLICK HERE
Fill-the-boot for the Food Pantry a record
At the Copper Fire semi-annual fill the boot, held May 26, 2012, the Copper Firefighters and the VFW veterans raised $3,028.00 for the local food pantry. "We would have a hard time keeping the doors open without their
fundraising efforts on our behalf. We appreciate what they do for us so much!" Said a spokesperson from the Copperopolis Food Pantry.
Currently the food pantry serves between 45 -55 families per month, with greater numbers seen in the last 6 months due to the downward shift in the economy. The food pantry is set up in hopes of reaching and helping families
in Copperopolis who are experiencing hardship, temporary or long-term,
and need help having enough to eat.
CFPD Chaplain Jim Stout and Volunteer Don Rollings
CFPD Cadets Levi Rollings and Marshall Maness
VFW Post 12118 Veterans Richard, Robert, Ralph, Jay, and Al.
Don, David and Lorraine- Food Pantry representatives
Volunteers and Board members Ed Gouzzenne and Steve Marks, and CFPD Chaplain Father Jim Stout
Sierra Repertory Theater presents Alfred Hitchcocks '39 steps'
Hitchcock thriller gets a twist in The 39 Steps.
Beautiful spies, cloaks and daggers, speeding trains and a mystery man with a missing pinky. Those ingredients whirl into one wild adventure in Alfred Hitchcock’s The 39 Steps, Broadway’s hilarious, high-speed thriller sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. The Tony Award-winning comedy plays at Sierra Repertory Theatre’s East Sonora stage June 1 through July 1.
Beautiful spies, cloaks and daggers, speeding trains and a mystery man with a missing pinky. Those ingredients whirl into one wild adventure in Alfred Hitchcock’s The 39 Steps, Broadway’s hilarious, high-speed thriller sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. The Tony Award-winning comedy plays at Sierra Repertory Theatre’s East Sonora stage June 1 through July 1.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Dept Fish and Game 2012 and 2013 Mammal Hunting Regulations now available online
The 2012-2013 California Mammal Hunting Regulations Booklet is now available for download from DFG’s website.
The document includes regulations for license requirements, methods of take, season dates, bag limits and hunting zones for both big game (deer, elk, bear, etc.) and small game (rabbit, squirrel, etc.) hunting.
Additional information about big game hunting, including tag drawing application instructions, can be found in DFG’s Big Game Hunting Digest, released earlier this year.
The document includes regulations for license requirements, methods of take, season dates, bag limits and hunting zones for both big game (deer, elk, bear, etc.) and small game (rabbit, squirrel, etc.) hunting.
Additional information about big game hunting, including tag drawing application instructions, can be found in DFG’s Big Game Hunting Digest, released earlier this year.
President's Memorial Day Speech - 'honoring our fallen heroes'
"This weekend, folks across the country are opening up the pool,
firing up the grill, and taking a well-earned moment to relax. But
Memorial Day is more than a three-day weekend. In town squares and
national cemeteries, in public services and moments of quiet reflection,
we will honor those who loved their country enough to sacrifice their
own lives for it.
This Memorial Day, Michelle and I will join Gold Star families, veterans, and their families at Arlington National Cemetery. We'll pay tribute to patriots of every generation who gave the last full measure of devotion, from Lexington and Concord to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Later that day, we'll join Vietnam veterans and their families at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial-the Wall. We'll begin to mark the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. It's another chance to honor those we lost at places like Hue, Khe Sanh, Danang and Hamburger Hill. And we'll be calling on you-the American people-to join us in thanking our Vietnam veterans in your communities.
This Memorial Day, Michelle and I will join Gold Star families, veterans, and their families at Arlington National Cemetery. We'll pay tribute to patriots of every generation who gave the last full measure of devotion, from Lexington and Concord to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Later that day, we'll join Vietnam veterans and their families at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial-the Wall. We'll begin to mark the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. It's another chance to honor those we lost at places like Hue, Khe Sanh, Danang and Hamburger Hill. And we'll be calling on you-the American people-to join us in thanking our Vietnam veterans in your communities.
Hovey wine tasting at Snaps - winederful!
On May 25, 2012 Snaps Coffee House and Wine Bar featured Hovey Winery at their Friday night flights. Chuck Hovey came to pour a nice selection of wines including a 2011 Viognier (brand new, just released), a 2010
Chardonnay, his wonderful 2009 Barbera, his 2009 Petite Sirah and the
next generation of his award-winning Tempranillo vintage 2010. Hovey's 2009 Barbera was recently awarded “best Red Wine” by the
Vineyard and Winery Management 2012 U.S. National Wine Competition, held
April 11 and 12 in Sonoma County, taking home a double gold from the event.
If you missed this tasting treat, ask Sue or Randy -owners of Snaps- if they will host Hovey again.
For more photos CLICK HERE
Memorial Day Flag protocol
On Memorial Day the American Flag is to be raised to its fullest height for a moment, then lowered to half mast until noon and when it is again to be raised to its fullest height.
Source Flag Rules and Regulations
Source Flag Rules and Regulations
Memorial Day - the history
Memorial Day, an American holiday observed on the last Monday of May,
honors men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military.
Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following
the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many
Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials,
holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Unofficially, at
least, it marks the beginning of summer.
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