Monday, April 9, 2012

CFPD Board meeting 4-12-12

MEETING  AGENDA                APRIL  12,  2012                                                                                      PUBLIC  SESSION   6:30  P M 

1.  Open Public Meeting
2.  Roll Call of Directors
3.  Approval of Agenda   This is the time for any Director to ask that an item be considered in a different order than listed below.  New items cannot be added to this agenda for deliberation or action, but may be added to the agenda of a future meeting pursuant to Item # 10 below        ( Identification of Items for Future Meetings).   
4.  Approval of Minutes   Minutes of the Public Meeting March 8, 2012, and, Closed Session March 8, 2012, and, Workshop March 15, 2012.                                  
 5.   Correspondence
 6 .   Public Comments  This is the time and place for the general public to address the Board of Directors regarding items on this agenda.  Members of the public wishing to address the Board of Directors regarding items not on the agenda for this meeting may do so as long as the subject matter is within jurisdiction of the Board of Directors (Government Code section 54954.3 (a)).  Comments are limited to five minutes per individual and five minutes for speakers representing an organization.  This time limit may be extended at the discretion of the Chair.(Government Code section 54954.(b) ) 
 7.   Staff Reports
            Item 7-A     Chief Millar                                                                                                                                              1.  Monthly Activity Reports                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2.  Review of Financial Reports                                                                                                                                                                        
            Item 7-B    Copperopolis Professional Firefighters Association
            Item 7-C    Copperopolis Volunteer Fire Association                                                                                                                                 
8.  Old Business   
            Item 8-A     Ordinance Number 2-2012 - Reauthorizing and Extending the $550,000          of the District's Appropriations Limit for Each of the Fiscal Years from 2013-14       Fiscal               Year to the 2016-17 Fiscal Year.
            Item 8-B     Resolution Number 02-2012-09 Resolution of the Board of Directors of the                 Copperopolis Fire Protection District to Submit to the Voters at the November 6, 2012     Regular Election a Ballot Measure to Approve an Ordinance to Maintain the District's            Current Appropriations limits.
            Item 8-C     Audit  2010 - 2011  review and possible adoption.  
            Item 8-D     Preliminary Budget 2012-2013 review.
9.   New Business   
            Item 9-A     Signal Hill Property (Director Cheney)
10.   Identification of Items for Future Meetings  This is the time for Board Members to identify the items that they wish to be considered at future meetings.  These items will not be discussed at this meeting, but will be included on the agenda for a future meeting so that proper notice can be made to the public.  This is also the time for scheduling board workshops and / or special meetings.  Agenda items may be added by Board Members prior to posting time of the agenda.
11.  Adjournment  of  Public Meeting

1.  Open  Meeting
2.  Roll Call of Board Members
3.  Subject:  Personnel issue pursuant to California Government Code Section 54957.6 
      Position: Office Manager

4.  Adjournment of Closed Session

                                                                                                Posted April 5, 2012 by, Belva Bristol                                

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