Patrick has expressed his wish for a microwave for his platoon, so we will be sending one soon.
Here is a list of high-demand items for now:
Cheap shaving cream (used to mark trails- they are using 18 cans per day)
Baby Wipes
Pre-sweetend beverage mixes (to add to 16-oz bottled water)
Tobacco products
Undershirts (olive green, short sleeve)
Gum, Lifesavers, mints
AA, AAA, C and D batteries
Travel-sized liquid body wash
Some boxes from the last shipment
Basic Info:
We are accepting donations of items (see list, below) or cash (which we will use to make purchases and for postage). We will be sending packages weekly.
Local Marine Patrick Rowe is 24 years old- he will turn 25 on November 18. An Angels Camp- Bret Harte High School graduate of 2005, He Joined the Marine Corps in April of 2008. He and Kate Beckmen were Married last April. She is from Arnold and also a Bret Harte Grad.
Patrick was an Infantry Machine Gunner his first deployment to Afghanistan. He was awarded the Bronze Star for Valor during his last deployment.
Here is a link to a news report:
Support the Troops Care Package
"Wish List"
FOOD ITEMS (High nutritional value types)
Beef Jerky
Protein Bars (like athletes use)
Backpacking food, such as Dried Fruit, Clif Bars, Trail Mix
Nuts, Sunflower seeds, in smaller size packages
Peanut Butter, Nutella
Non-perishable, individual packaged snacks
Individual-sized Powdered Drink Mix, like Gatorade or Crystal Light
Coffee, ground or instant, Tea Bags
Tuna- the ones in foil bags are easiest to ship
small packaged seasonings
Gum and candy
Barbasol or cheap Shaving Cream, the white kind (for use on patrol)
Q-Tips (very important for cleaning self and guns- highest priority)
Lip Balm in a tube, such as Burt's bees, or Carmex
Disposable Razors (Multi-blade for shaving rough beards)
Sunscreen, non-stinging, "Faces", Sport-types
Baby Wipes (Thickest type), hand sanitizer,
Shower gel, deodorant, toothpaste, disposable toothbrushes
Foot care products, spray, powder, insoles, creams
Winter Socks ( merino wool, polypropylene; Brown, Green, Black)
Thermals (dark colors)?
Gloves, Hand warmers (like Hot Hands)
T-shirts (OD Green)
Writing Materials (Paper, pens)
Magazines (appropriate materials)
Computer Flash drives
Small toys to give to the local children
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