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Thursday, April 17, 2014

District 3 Supervisor Forum re-cap

The Murphys business association held a candidate forum for District 3 Supervisor candidates at the Native Sons building in downtown Murphys on 4-16-14 to a standing room only crowd.
The question posed by moderator Paul Stein focused on the some of the same issues raised in the interviews conducted by the Copper Gazette, with an emphasis on local issues.

Why running what you will do:
Oliveira: committed to planning for future, attract new businesses creating more jobs, safety in our community.
Callaway: years of serving as Supervisor, approved extension of veterans park, opened a bocce ball, made county more transparent, street lights in Murphys, committed to District 3.
Borean: make County more attractive to business, remove permitting obstacles, work harder than I ever have in my life.

Qualifications to be Supervisor:
Borean: cited career as Battalion Chief in San Mateo, education and years as a local.
Callaway: everyday I learn something new, everyday makes me a better Supervisor.
Oliveira: cited previous employment overseeing a budget 3 times the size of the county budget, dealing with OSHA, EPA, etc., business owner.

Three most important items facing the county/BOS:
Callaway: every call is a challenge, what we can do as a community, can't (pinpoint) what top three are.
Oliveira: number 1- jobs, number 2- public safety, number 3- growth. actively bolster local economy. As an Sheriff Deputy extra hire feel the pulse of the real people of Arnold and Murphys.
Borean: economy, economy, economy.  Balanced budget, promote business.

General plan:
Oliveira: general plans driven by commuity plans. Community plans are the bedrock to build the foundation. Everybody treated fairly and property rights respected.
Borean: Community plans holding up General plan. Can't paint the General plan with a broad brush, communities (diverse)
Callaway: Community plans will be worked into the General Plan, GP can be amended up to 4 times per year.

Budget deficit - how did we get there and feelings on use of one time fund?:
Borean: one time funds for emergencies only, cuts are going to be painful and unpopular.
Callaway: we hired people we shouldn't have, we hired deputies and people for the jail.
Oliveira: we spent money we didn't have will have to make big cuts.

Transient occupancy tax - raise it?:
Callaway: lowest TOT in area, 6%, placed on ballot twice to raise, voters didn't pass it. I would suport an increase. Currently the TOT is divided 1/3 roads, 1/3 general fund, and 1/3 visitors bureau.
Oliveira: I thought the TOT was 1/3 public safety, 1/3 visitors bureau, and 1/3 general fund. Do we want what happened in Copper to happen in the County? (referring to the home owner permit fee to rent their lake front homes) people will go to other counties.
Borean: Not in favor of raising the TOT, want tourists to come up and spend their money. Not in favor of increased taxes, in favor of increased revenue.

Candyrock shooting area in US Forest:
Oliveira: proponent of candyrock, used by NRA, law enforcement and gun safety classes. studies show decibels lower than legal car decibels. US FOrest land for use of all.
Borean: there are safe places to shoot in Stanislaus National FOrest, its there, find it, be respectful. Candyrock not safe, not controlled.
Callaway: ditto to Borean. Been an issue for 7 years time it closes.

Possible library closures/ reduction to 5 hours per week operation:
Oliveira: libraries important but with a 8 million dollar deficit who do we cut? Social services, welfare, drug rehab, public safety, which one do you want to cut folks? We need libraries but at what cost?
Borean: we can't afford what we can't afford. Maybe combine Sheriff substation office with library.
Callaway: I hold office hours in the Arnold library, libraries are a focus point, I will not close libraries. Friends of the Library helps. More people use libraries than they use cops.

Final statement:
Borean: I am a public servant, I represent you, not me.
Callaway: we have seen an increase in permits, things are moving. Rules required by State.
Oliveira: Why haven't we got anything going? (points at Callaway) COunty COunsel sued businesses for not proper permits or zoning.

Question form public re:meth problem:
Oliveira: serious problem in Calaveras County leading to property crimes. State has CNET but we only have funding for one deputy for CNET. There is room for 6. Gov't used to take personal property of marijuana grow sites, they now moved to Nat'l Forest land, hard to take back what's ours. Ned funding for the Sheriff Dept drug, narcotics, and DEA. We are losing that battle folks.
Borean: can support the Sheriff Dept work on economy to get more revenues = more safety.
Callaway: big issue. Narcotics unit supported by grants, having more deputies doesn't necessarily work. Not a lot the BOS can do about it.

For more information on the candidates you can visit the Copper Gazette interviews at:
Michael Oliveira

Mike Borean

Merritta Callaway