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Monday, March 11, 2013

Letter to the Editor from Al Segalla re: SB 787

Dear Editor,

State Senate Bill 787, in order to reduce unreasonable lawsuits, seeks to reform the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).  

Threats of CEQA based lawsuits by ideological or environmental groups have killed, or are, killing practically all development in Calaveras and Tuolumne counties.

In Calaveras County, this may be the tip of the iceberg, as threats of lawsuits have plunged the county into a huge update of its general plan requiring massive increases of regulation. This process has been going on for 7 years with over one million dollars squandered.  And no one is accountable. 

Why not reform CEQA to increase accountability in government?  

As an example, why not allow CEQA and the General Plan to focus on the use of land that the counties own or control?  

Having government, or a collective, controlling private property has hurt property rights as well as our economy. Worse yet, no one is accountable or responsible for the consequences of failure. The people suffer and many do not understand why.

Isn't it true that progress in a free country is based not only on people having choice, but also being responsible for the consequences?

Let’s really reform CEQA.