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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Letter from Assemblymember Olsen - Legislation Signed Into Law Shows Effective Leadership, Successful Reforms

SACRAMENTO –Assemblymember Kristin Olsen, R-Modesto, has completed her first full term in the Assembly with successful legislation that holds true to her goals of reforming government processes to improve transparency and efficiency. All of Olsen’s bills that passed through the Legislature were signed into law, demonstrating Olsen’s unique understanding and penchant for effective leadership in the Legislature. 

“I am pleased that the bills I authored that go into effect next year will increase public safety, eliminate bureaucratic red tape, cut costs, and honor our veterans," said Olsen.  "These are steps in the right direction, and I will continue to build upon these successes as I work to reform government to be more accountable, efficient, and citizen-driven." 

Legislation carried by Assemblywoman Olsen that is scheduled to go into effect January 1, 2013 includes:

  • AB 633 – CSU Vehicle Procurement – AB 633 saves California State Universities money by allowing them to continue procuring their own vehicles without having to go through the more costly, bureaucratic DGS process.  Annual reports are included to require documentation of the cost savings.

  • AB 890 – CEQA Reform - AB 890 reforms the California Environmental Quality Act by streamlining the process for cities and counties to make minor roadway safety improvements, saving them time and money.

  • AB 1652 – Portuguese Veterans Memorial – AB 1652 authorizes the construction of the California American Portuguese Veterans' Memorial in the Capitol State Park, which will be paid for by private donations through the American Portuguese Club.  This memorial will pay tribute to California veterans of Portuguese descent.

  • AB 1666 – AED - Dropped and instead, coauthored the similar SB 1436 by Senator Lowenthal, which ensures continued liability-exemption for building owners when a defibrillator is used on their premises. This provides businesses the freedom to install these life-saving devices in their facilities.

  • AB 1973 – Ferguson Slide - AB 1973 will help restore full access to State Route 140 (SR140) in Mariposa County through the “Ferguson Slide” that leads to Yosemite National Park by allowing the state to issue an incidental take permit for limestone salamandar.

  • AB 1877 – AG Repo –AB 1877, which Olsen joint authored with Assemblywoman Fiona Ma (D-San Francisco) will give dealers, who have established relationships with farmers, the option to negotiate with the customer directly to avoid the potentially embarrassing act of repossession. AB 1877 has a sunset of five years to evaluate the merits of this exemption.

  • AB 2030 – ADA Reform for Schools- AB 2030 conforms California law to the federal ADA exemption for small press boxes by eliminating the elevator requirement for press boxes with fewer than 500 square feet. This greatly reduces costs for schools and other small sports facilities. AB 2030 will be implemented with the next CA Building Standards Commission adoption cycle that begins on or after January 1, 2013.

  • AB 2131 – Tax Collectors - AB 2131 would add tax collection as a required discipline of continuing education, making the code inclusive of all the functions required of a county Treasurer-Tax Collector. Including tax collection as one of the disciplines that Treasurer-Tax Collectors can receive credit for continuing education units will incentivize these officials to seek out education on this critical function of their responsibilities and ensure a better-educated official. This education will protect taxpayers from inaccurate interpretations of tax law.

  • AB 2329 – Elimination of Electronic Funds Transfer Task Force- Dropped due to being enacted through the Budget Act. The Task Force was responsible for providing a plan on the development and implementation of a new payment dispersal system using electronic funds transfer technology. It is no longer needed because the plan was completed in 2008.

Olsen encourages her constituents to continue sharing their ideas for improving our state either by visiting her website at http://arc.asm.ca.gov/member/25/ or calling her office at 916-319-2025.

“If there is an issue that impacts your quality of life and there is a way I can help, please let me know. It’s my job to represent the best interests of my constituents,” said Olsen.