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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Citizens for a Better Calaveras Hold Candidates Night

The Citizens for a Better Calaveras will be holding a candidates forum on October 25, 2012.  The CBC is comprised of the following organizations, Calaveras County Fair, Calaveras County Arts Council, Calaveras Humane Society, Calaveras Visitor’s Bureau, Senior Centers of Calaveras, Friends of the Calaveras Library and Calaveras County Parks and Recreation.   The coalition is working together to enhance the future of their organizations by redefining the Transient Occupancy Tax. 

The Supervisorial candidates have been invited to participate.  The event will be held in the Board of Supervisors chambers.  The forum will begin at 6:30 p.m.  For more information on Citizens for a Better Calaveras visit www.bettercalaveras.org.