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Friday, June 15, 2012

Walk Across California (WAC) to visit Coperopolis

13 SCU students will be participating in the Walk Across California event, the finale to a 10 week course taken at the University.

David Popalisky, associate professor in SCU’s department of theatre and dance, is leading the “Walk Across California” class. “The class is designed to cultivate each student’s sense of wonder,” explained Popalisky. “We’ll focus on sustainability, environmental justice and social activism, as we prepare to walk among California’s diverse populations and through its natural landscapes.”

The route begins at Ocean Beach and leads to s"everal places not found on any tourist map: a garden sowing seeds for food justice in Oakland; a farm workers’ labor camp in Stockton; a Me-wuk Indian reservation in Tuolumne."

Click read more for WAC agenda


2:30 pm - Arrive in Copperopolis Town Square. They will pitch their tents in the square for their nights stay.

3:30 to 6:30 pm – Sports Center at Saddle Creek for barbeque dinner, swim and relax. We invite you to visit with them during dinner. If you would like to provide a pot-luck dish for them, please contact Linda Stefanick at 785-9700.

6:30 pm – Return to town square for socializing and music (at 7:30) by Danny Burton and friends.

10:00 pm – Lights out


6:00 am – Wake and break camp.
6:30 am – Coffee and juice at Snap’s Coffee House
7:00 am – Walk Reed’s Turnpike to Copperopolis
7:30 am – Old Corner Saloon for breakfast with Odie
8:30 am – Copperopolis Historic Tour. Ed Gouzenne of Calaveras Telephone will guide the students around the historic points of interest including a visit to The Museum and The Armory.
9:30 am – The students resume their journey south on O’Byrne’s Ferry Road.

If you would like to welcome them to our town, just come by and say hello to the students or the facility during their visit to Copperopolis. Please read the complete story attached that explains the purpose of their walk. Thank you, Linda