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Friday, June 15, 2012

Ponte and Tryon response to interview question from Gazette

The following question was asked of both District 4 Supervisor candidates on June 10, 2012.
What, in your opinion, is the number one priority for the citizens of Calaveras County?
With no response forthcoming the question was restructured and presented again on June 13, 2012.
 The candidates responded to the following questions:
What is your stand on public safety?
Do you feel it is the number one priority for the citizens of Calaveras County?

Ponte response:

I have found that public safety is a great concern throughout Calaveras County.  As for a #1 priority - I found it to be 50-50 with just as many citizens concerns for job opportunities in our county.  If the rise in criminal activity continues as reported in the media by our Sheriff - public safety will most likely surpass job opportunities as folks are affected by the crime.  AB 109 has certaily made an impact on our County and will continue to rise in the future as I understand it.
As for specifics to Copperopolis area - I as continue to hear from citizens - public safety, job opportunitues and residential/commercial development/land use/infrastructure are all concerns I hear from people in the Copperoplis area. 
After attending the June 12 Board of Supervisors meetings - I think public safety will consume the lions share of the budget talks as the dollars are tight/short for all departments and public safety is a concern especially with AB 109 and the new jail impacts for this coming budget year.  
Sincerely, Debbie

Tryon response:

 I am four square in support of public safety.  I believe public safety is the number one priority along with economic growth.  Economic prosperity provides the revenue sources to fund public safety.  There are also many aspects of public safety that do not fall within the responsibilities of the sheriffs department.  Safe roads (three fatalities so far this year) bear, lion, and rabies control, public health (particularly communicable
diseases),  even the pest surveillance program that protects our orchard and vineyard crops are all examples of public safety and economic prosperity being tied together.  The severe economic downturn has caused the budget shortfalls; economic growth policies will solve the budget shortfalls.  Tom