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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

VA Rural Health Mobile Medical Outreach Clinic coming to Copper 6-28-12

Attention All Military Veterans!

The VA Rural Health Mobile Medical Outreach Clinic Team, in Collaboration with Copperopolis VFW Post 12118, will be at the:

Copperopolis Fire Protection District Station
370 Main Street
Copperopolis, CA  95228

Thursday, June 28th
11:00am – 3:00pm

No appointment necessary!  Veterans Service Officers, Enrollment Specialists & Medical teams on site

·         THIS IS A NO-COST SERVICE TO VETERANS.  The VA Palo Alto Health Care system Rural Health Mobile Medical Team will provide examinations, consultations, & referrals.   Prescriptions may be renewed for Veterans who are currently in the VA Health Care System.

·         If you are uncertain about your eligibility for medical or psychological services, members of our team can provide you with information about and assistance with, eligibility and enrolment for VA care.   VA healthcare may complement your current insurance coverage.  Eligibility requirements have changed, therefore, if you have been denied in the past, please come meet with us.  New benefits are available for Vietnam and Iraq/Afghanistan Veterans.

·         If you are NOT currently in the VA system, bring an extra copy of your DD214 to attach to your enrollment form.  If you do not have a copy of your DD214, we will obtain one for you, but your enrollment process will be delayed.

·         In addition, Veteran Service Officers will be available to review your benefits, and assist with updating existing disability claims and filing new claims.
For more information, contact VA Outreach Coord, Valerie Gabriel,
At 209-588-2604, or  VFW Commander Al Gilbert at 209-785-4218.

  We look forward to seeing you there.  THANK YOU for your service to our Country!