Opinion Columns and More


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Note from the Editor

During this campaign the Copper Gazette has come under fire for not reporting the 'news' on candidates for local and county level seats. This said, it is the full intention of the Copper Gazette to post factual information, when attainable.

It is also, however, the Copper Gazette's stand to write articles and cover stories that promote the lifestyle we live here, the wonderful people that make up our community and the events that make us as strong as we are. Some issues are less pleasant than others, but all-in-all Copper is a wonderful place to live with a vibrant and active community service oriented base of organizations and people.

I want to personally thank all of you that read the Gazette for your on going support.


Charity Maness

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  1. The Copper Gazette is a great resource for the community and read by a lot of people there will always be malcontents among us,keep up the good work.

  2. LOve the Copper Gazette ! Well written and enjoyable! Keep on, Charity!
