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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Will Tryon represent Copper?

The following emails were sent to Copper's new Supervisor Tom Tryon with regards to representation of Copperopolis and its residents. The Gazette has yet to receive a reply.
May 21, 2011
Dear Tom,
My name is Charity Maness from the Copper Gazette. I was wondering how you felt about Copperopolis potentially becoming part of your district? Do you feel you will you be able to embrace the needs of this diverse community? Would you entertain the thought of holding weekly or monthly meetings to update the citizens? Do you anticipate difficulty in representing a city and an unincorporated area with such a large population? But most importantly, would you lend any merit to the rumor that you may not be seeking re-election?
Charity Maness
Copper Gazette

Aug 16, 2011
Dear Tom,
Will you be holding a Town Hall meeting to introduce yourself to Copperopolis residents soon?

August 30, 2011
Dear Mr. Tryon,
Will you be holding a Town Hall meeting in Copperopolis to 'meet and greet' your new constituents?
Do you feel you are abreast of the needs of the Copperopolis community?
Have you any idea of the progress of the community plan? Who may be working on it, drafting it, or promoting it?

Please email your questions or comments to District Supervisor 4 Tom Tryon ttryon@co.calaveras.ca.us or call  Mr Tryon at 209-736-4845.
Mr Tryon has been on the Calaveras Board of Supervisors since 1984.

Historically Supervisors representing Copperopolis held weekly hours of availability:
Erickson - Weekly office hours held at Copperopolis Branch Library
Thomas - Weekly office hours held at CFPD Station #1
Spellman - Weekly meetings/forums held at Snaps Coffee House


  1. Wonderful to read the comments by Copperopolis citizens concerning the intensions of Supervisor Tryon. I doubt he intends to hold weekly meetings--after all, the Board reduced their monthly Board meetings in half and refused to take a pay adjustment. Of course, reducing the teaching year requires a teacher pay adjustment.
    Carl Lutz, Bar XX

  2. This article shows e-mails requesting response from Supervisor Tryon but it does not say if he answered these questions and also if his answers were timely. Did Tryon get back to anyone since the first request is dated May of this year?
    Mike Shevlin

  3. The Copper Gazette has not received a response to any of the emails presented to Mr. Tryon. Nor has he returned any of the phone calls placed during his listed office hours.

    Charity Maness
