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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Copper Pride Day - Cleanin' up Copper

Copper Pride Day on APril 16, 2011 brought out seemingly every community organization in town to help beautify our 'Copperopolis'.
Sponsored by Copper parks & Rec, Payless IGA, Lake Tulloch Lions Club, Friends of the Library, CABA, the Clampers, Lake Tulloch Quilters, Copper Community Center, Church of the Harvest, Canyon Baptist Church, Church of the Asscension and Copper Town Square, the event has become a yearly event that not only cleans the town but raises awareness to the need for litter control, and earth friendly recycling.

Many groups met at the IGA parking lot to pick up their bright orange vest, for visibilty on the roadways, trash bags and pinchers for trash pick-up. After gathering their assorted tools they headed off to their designated areas. Lions had highway 4 to the top of the knoll toward Angels, Friends of the Library had Highway 4 from Little John Extension to Vista Point. Coper Canyon Baptist Church, with many families in tow, took on Copper Cove Drive. Some Parks & Rec people along with a 4-H volunteer were spotted as far as Reeds Turnpike. There were even 3 representatives from the Rite of Passage lending a hand along Main Street from Highway 4 to past the Armory.

After completing their area, volunteers were invited back to Payless IGA for free hotdogs, chips and soda. A thank you from the folks at IGA for their hard work.

By, Charity Maness

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