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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Letter to the Editor re: sad ending and a new start from Al and Sandi Gilbert

It is with a sad heart that I have learned that the Copper Gazette will be closing. I have enjoyed reading the "community news" and looking at the pictures that have always been better than any other news professional could take.
I guess some of the sadness is selfish, as Charity has always been the biggest supporter of the local VFW Post here in Copperopolis. Without the Gazette there will not be the strong support and coverage we have become accustomed to. The coverage of the parades, ceremonies, activities and much more will be sorely missed. Unfortunately, the "local newspapers" do not cover our community like the Gazette has, and I doubt they will fill in the huge gap that the Gazette will leave. I know other community organizations will miss the great coverage and news that we have all enjoyed.
No more; traffic reports, fantastic fire coverage, personal interest articles, births, deaths, concert photo's, local government news and meetings coverage. And that's just a small part of what the Copper Gazette has done over the last 4 years.
A new start for Charity is, in all reality, a good thing for a great person. I have had the extreme pleasure of knowing and working with this exceptional person for over 4 years. I never knew where she got the energy. I asked Charity many times how she  does it, but never received an answer that made sense, but that was Charity- full of energy and enthusiasm. Charity Maness never says no to anything. Others before self and family for a long time, but now it is time for a new start. I can honestly say, she deserves this.
I wait with anticipation to catch up with the "new" Charity. I can see the smile already.
We will miss the Copper Gazette, Charity. But now maybe we will be able to sit and talk a little longer without you jumping up and running to another photo shoot, or meeting or fire or accident or one of a hundred other things you have covered.
Goodbye Copper Gazette, it's been a great run. Charity, we love you. We love you for all you have done for Copperopolis.

Al & Sandi Gilbert