Friday, April 25, 2014

Winning Ways advice column by Marge 'Magic' Powers - Overcoming Rejection

Overcoming Rejection

Dear Magic:
 I’m feeling really down in the dumps right now.  Recently I was fired from my job, and my boyfriend tells me he wants to break up after two years of us being in a relationship.  I’m feeling really rejected.  I’ve been told to count my blessings, but I sure would like to know the secret to handling rejection and picking the right people and jobs for me.  I keep making stupid mistakes and don’t know how to get past all this.  Do you have any advice for me?    Olive Jennings

Dear Olive:
Yeah, I know it’s no fun feeling rejection and not knowing how to get back on track.  I have had these moments myself from time to time, and some of my clients have shared that sometimes they don’t feel they have a lot to be thankful about.  So, you’re not alone in this rejection business.  Our life can sure hit some major road blocks.  One client of mine was told by his fiancé that the wedding was “off” and the engagement was broken.  Another man told me that his job search wasn’t going very well.  And a woman recently emailed telling me that she felt beaten up from countless rejections in her new sales position.  They felt alone but I assured them they weren’t, we’re all in the same boat, and sometimes it seems like we’re sinking fast.  But, as we all we know from our own experiences, each of us will face rejection on the road to success as we’re looking for the right answers to get back control and empowerment.  Here are a few suggestions that I have found have helped me and my clients discover the right tools to help us all move forward:

1.  Get the Right People on Your Bus – Some people are going to get on your bus and some people won’t.  That’s ok.  The people that get on are supposed to get on.  The people that don’t are meant to get on another bus.  Don’t take it personal.  Just keep on driving and trying to get the right people on your bus.

2.  Keep the Bus Rolling – As you drive along in life just keep picking up people you only feel comfortable with and who want to get on your bus.  Eventually you’ll have a filled – standing room only – bus.

3.  Post a Sign saying, “No Energy Vampires allowed” - sometimes you may have to ask someone to get off your bus. 

4.  Stay Focused – Don’t waste your energy thinking about those who didn’t get on your bus.  If you waste your energy on them this means you’ll have less fuel to pick up the people who want to get on.

5.  Remember, It’s a Journey – During your ride, you will have many people get on and many get off.  Again, don’t take this personal.  The people who get off may have to get on another bus, or perhaps they will make room for someone special who is supposed to get on.

6.  You Have the Best View – Many people won’t be able to see what you see.  You have the vision for where you are going while others are in the back seat.  Don’t let the back seat drivers get you down.

7.  Take a Chance – Ask people if they want to get on your bus.  The worst they can say is no.  If you don’t ask people they won’t know enough to get on.  The more people you pick up along the way the more energy you will create during your ride.

8.  Live Your Purpose – Drive at your own speed and don’t compare your success to others.  Be inner directed, not outer directed.  You are in charge and that is where your freedom lies.

9.Have Confidence – Remember your positive energy must be greater than anyone’s negativity.  Your certainty must be greater than their doubt.

Note:  The above tools should help you keep control of your life when you get in a blue funk.

Magic Morsel:  If it ain’t working, change the path.



eMail me your letters, inquiries; Let me know your opinions, let’s have your suggestions and ask your questions.  If you’re ready to feel good about yourself, why not connect now!

Help is Here:  I’m available for a free consultation if you’d like.  If you would you please call between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.)?    If I am with a client, I do not answer the phone, so please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.  Thanks.  Marge ‘Magic’ Powers   J

I have written many eBooks on how to improve your lifestyle, career plans, job search activities and retirement issues…if interested, check them our on my website:

WINNING WAYS is a Career and Life Coaching firm.  We help you bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be so you can reclaim your power, build your confidence, commit to your destiny and keep your dignity.  Our mission:  A strong commitment to bringing about real practical changes with huge results in your life. 

Note:   I only work with people who can benefit most from my coaching; such as those who are in transition, open minded, interested in growing and viewing their world as an opportunity full of possibilities.  I enjoy working with people who are committed and motivated to ‘win’ and want to be satisfied in a life that actually works and fits who they are! 

Good thoughts and Best Wishes!

                  WINNING WAYS
Career and Master NLP Life Learning Advisor