Monday, September 10, 2012

Board of Supervisors 9-11-12 preliminary meeting agenda

September 11, 2012



891 Mountain Ranch Rd, San Andreas, California


9:00  AM:  Call to Order
      Pledge of Allegiance

9:00 AM to 9:30 AM:  PUBLIC COMMENTS

1.        PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD:  Any item of interest to the public that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board and is not posted on the Consent or Regular agendas may be addressed during the Public Comment period.  California law prohibits the Board from taking action on any matter which is not posted on the agenda unless it is determined to be an emergency by the Board of Supervisors.  If Public Comment is not completed during the allotted time period, it will be continued at the conclusion of the Regular Agenda in order to provide an opportunity for the remainder of comments to be heard. 

If you wish to address the Board on an agenda item, please come to the rostrum and give your name and your comments.  Time limits and order of items shall be at the discretion of the Chair.
Consent agenda items are expected to be routine and non-controversial.  They will be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion.  Any board member, staff member or interested party may request removal of an item from the consent agenda for later discussion.
Consent agenda items are expected to be routine and non-controversial.  They will be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion.  Any board member, staff member or interested party may request removal of an item from the consent agenda for later discussion.

      On the website, items listed below are hyperlinked for viewing.
2.          MINUTES of meeting held on August 14 and 28, 2012 – Board action:
3.          CORRESPONDENCE:    August 20 – 31, 2012 (see attached) – Board action:
4.          Approve a MINUTE ORDER authorizing the Health Services Agency Director to sign the agreement with the Calaveras County Children and Families Commission for child passenger safety services for the period July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013 in the amount of $12,000; Public Health – Board action:
5.          Adopt a RESOLUTION authorizing the Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office to apply for funding from the FY 12 Homeland Security Grant Program in the amount of $84,723 and authorizing the execution of a grant award and any amendments thereto with the State of California for the purposes of the grant; Sheriff – Board action:
6.          Adopt a RESOLUTION to accept the construction at Rock Creek Solid Waste Facility as complete, authorize the Board Chair to execute a Notice of Completion and approve final payment for Phase I Partial Final Landfill Closure Construction at the Rock Creek Solid Waste Facility; Public Works – Board action:
7.          Adopt a RESOLUTION to approve a professional services agreement between Calaveras County and Stantec Consulting Services for transportation planning and engineering services associated with capital improvement projects for an amount not to exceed $60,000 and a term to expire August 31, 2014, funded through federal project revenue and state or local match funds; Public Works – Board action:
8.          Adopt a RESOLUTION authorizing execution of a professional services agreement with Dokken Engineering, Inc. for environmental and engineering services associated with the State Route 4 Wagon Trail Realignment Project for an amount not to exceed $1,253,959 for a term ending December 30, 2016; Public Works – Board action:
9.          Adopt a MINUTE ORDER declaring two (2) Port-A-Port airplane hangars as surplus and subject to disposal and authorizing the County Administrative Officer to dispose of these surplus capital assets; Administration – Board action:
10.        Adopt a RESOLUTION establishing Ad Valorem Property Tax Rates for Fiscal Year 2012-2013; Auditor – Board action:

      On the website, items listed below are hyperlinked for viewing.


11.       Adopt a RESOLUTION proclaiming September 2012 as Recovery Happens Month in Calaveras County with the theme “Join the Voices of Recovery; It’s Worth It” to celebrate persons in recovery living sober and productive lives; Behavioral Health – Board action:

12.       Introduction and waiver of the reading requirements of an ORDINANCE amending Title 9 of the County Code, Public Peace, Morals and Welfare to add Chapter 9.02 Noise Control; Planning – Board action:
13.       Adopt a MINUTE ORDER upholding the Administrative Citation in Code Compliance Case  #12-27, regarding Jose and Tamu Pena, authorizing abatement of all remaining code violations, and the assessment of a lien on the subject property for the recovery of Administrative Costs, Administrative Fines, and Abatement Costs.  The property is located at 7970 Highway 12 Wallace, CA (Rosetti’s building), continued from August 28, 2012; Code Compliance – Board action:

14.       Noticed PUBLIC HEARING pursuant to Government Code Section 51230 regarding discussion and possible action to approve a resolution that establishes the boundaries of an agricultural preserve in Calaveras County;  approve a RESOLUTION authorizing California Land Conservation Contract No. 313 between Calaveras County and Roland G. and Franziska M. Schabram, Trustees, effective January 1, 2013; Agriculture – Board action:

15.       Approve a RESOLUTION authorizing the rescission of a portion of Calaveras County Agricultural Preserve Contract No. 44 while simultaneously entering into new California Land Conservation Contract No. 324 with Roland G. and Franziska M. Schabram, Trustees; Agriculture – Board action:

16.       Adopt a RESOLUTION naming the new road accessing the Criminal Justice Center from Mountain Ranch Road; Public Works – Board action:

17.       Review of correspondence, reports and various matters of concern.

18.       CLOSED SESSION: conference with legal counsel; anticipated litigation – significant exposure to litigation (one case), pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(b)(1); County Counsel - Board action:

19.       CLOSED SESSION: pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9: conference with legal counsel re: existing litigation; Dennis Ponte v. County of Calaveras, et al., Calaveras Superior Court Case No.: 12CV38587; County Counsel - Board action:

20.       CLOSED SESSION: conference with legal counsel - anticipated litigation - initiation of litigation, (one case) pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9 (c); County Counsel - Board action.


CORRESPONDENCE – September 11, 2012
The Board May Take Action on Any of the Following Items:
August 20, 2012
1.     From:  CCWD; re:  August 22 meeting agenda; Board, CAO, Counsel
August 23, 2012
2.     From:  CA Dept of Alcoholic Beverage Control; re: Stewart Rossi LLC/Simply Delicious; Callaway, CAO, Counsel, Post
August 24, 2012
3.     From:  CA Dept of Alcoholic Beverage Control; re: Melvin J Pryor/Grizzley Station Arnold; Callaway, CAO, Counsel, Post
August 31, 2012
4.     From:  Franziska & Roland Schabram; re: Request for support of Conservation Easement; Tofanelli, CAO, Counsel