Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Calaveras Citizen Review Panel is Seeking Members Concerned with Making a Difference in the Lives of Foster Children

The Calaveras Citizen Review Panel is Seeking Members
Concerned with Making a Difference in the Lives of Foster Children
 A small group of concerned citizens has spent the last year working to improve the lives of children in foster care. The Calaveras Citizen Review Panel (CRP) is an objective group of citizen-volunteers who, with a state grant, assesses local services and systems. The panel aims to advocate for needed resources that protect children from abuse and neglect. You can help!
 Why become a member of the Citizen Review Panel?  
  • The CRP provides opportunities for members of the community to play an important role in protecting children from abuse and neglect. You are interested in the well-being of children. You want to invest in their growth, self-esteem, and safety.
  • You would like to be involved in the process of conducting an assessment of services and providing input to Calaveras County Children’s Services and the State Office of Child Abuse Prevention.
This year the CRP assessed local foster parents’ awareness, use, and satisfaction with resources and services.  We learned how prepared they feel in supporting children’s emotional needs and what children’s issues are of most concern.                                                                                                                                
The next meeting is Tuesday, April 17th from 5:00 -7:00pm in San Andreas with dinner served. We will:    
-          Review the mission of the CRP
-          Discuss issues of concern for children in foster care
-          Discuss a plan to follow up on the panel’s report of findings and recommendations  

Future meetings will be June 19 and one in August and October from 5:00-7:00 pm in San Andreas.  We encourage participation from foster parents, parents, professionals, consumers of services, and concerned citizens.
For more information or to attend on April 17, please contact Robin Davis at First 5 Calaveras by April 11 at or (209)754-6917.  

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