Thursday, February 9, 2012

Letter from Dan Lungren re:Stock act

The more transparent, accountable and accessible that Congress is to the public, the more effective it can be.  That is why I have worked, as Chairman of the House Administration Committee, to ensure House Committee hearings are streamed online, to improve access to legislative data in the Congressional Record via an iPad app and to centralize and format House documents in an open, machine-readable format

Moreover, I support current laws that prohibit insider trading by Members of Congress using non-public Congressional knowledge.  In fact, the Committee on Ethics sent a memo to all House Members and employees in November 2011 restating that insider trading on non-public information is illegal.  As Chairman of House Administration, I have also re-affirmed to other Representatives that insider trading is illegal.  The discussion sparked by the 60 Minutes report perhaps gives the false impression that such conduct is currently permissible under the law. 
Today I voted to pass a stregthened STOCK Act reasserting that all branches of government are prohibited from insider trading and expanding financial disclosure requirements.  As public servants, we are not above the law, but serve the law.  We must do the utmost to uphold the public trust in all our actions.

Daniel E. Lungren
Member of Congress

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