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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Letter to the Editor re: vote for Tim Healy from by Roger Lornson

Having been a Police Officer and Courtroom Bailiff for over 44 years, I have seen dozens of Judges and hundreds of Attorneys in Court. Getting to know Tim Healy for the past 14 years, and watch as he appeared in Court, I know Tim’s reputation among clerks, Bailiffs, Judges, and attorneys in San Joaquin County - and it’s outstanding! I was most impressed with the way Tim treated everyone in Court. Tim always came to Court prepared; he is fair, honest and always treated everyone with dignity and respect. It was clear he takes his responsibility as a prosecutor seriously. He was always trying see that justice was done and that the truth was discovered.
Our next Judge in Department 2 should be the candidate who has the most experience practicing law in the courtroom, and who has the most experience with the types of cases that are ACTUALLY heard in Calaveras Courts. And Tim is clearly that person! Calaveras needs a Judge with courtroom experience practicing the law; this November 4th, please vote for Tim, I am!
Roger Lornson,
Retired Peace Officer and Baliff

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