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Sunday, October 12, 2014

Judicial candidate interviews to post this week.

The Copper Gazette submitted interview questions to each judicial candidate. Each candidate had one week to respond.
Their responses will begin posting 10-13-14, one each day, in the following order:
Dana Pfeil, Tim Healy, Grant Barrett and Judge Hugh Swift.
Please take the time to read the interviews to help make an informed decision when voting.
And thank you to all the candidates for participating.

The questions posed were:

Judicial candidate questions:
Name and dept.
Why are you running for Superior Court Judge?
What qualifies you for the position you seek?
What is your current occupation and the duties of that position?
How would you define the caseload make-up (civil, family, etc) of your desired department? And what expertise do you currently have to handle those types of cases?
If you could list one thing in life you are proud you accomplished with regards to your career, what would that be? And why?
What have you done in the past year, 2014, to further your education?
What is your greatest strength?
What is your greatest weakness?
At this point you may submit a 300 word or less statement covering topics not covered in the before mentioned questions.