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Monday, October 27, 2014

Copper School hosts parent education night

Teachers and administration of Copperopolis elementary school held an informational evening on Wednesday October 23, 2014 to help parents understand the new technology and curriculum utilized in today's classrooms.

The evening began with pizza and drinks. As the parents settled in, Miss DeSimone brought up the student.mtuesd.net site that all children use at school daily. She walked the parents through accessing the site and utilizing the programs within it.

"There will not longer be the excuse, 'I forgot my homework' or 'I forgot my text book' as all the information is also on the site, accesible and can be printed." Said DeSimone. Parents asked if printers were not available, if hand written work was acceptable. The answer was, yes, as the educators just want the student to be able to complete the work.

Common core questions arose. Statements of "counter productive", "extreme variance", "not practical" and "confusing" were thrown out.

The staff explained that the common core pilot program began last year and that it is the curriculum this year with the exception of some upper grade adopted books as the school is awaiting educationally appropriate curriculum for those grades.

Common core allows for "math assessments to be expressed in writing" said Principal Karen Vail.

Miss DeSimone felt that prior curriculum was limiting the students education, where "common core creates real world possible" applications.

One parent paraphrased with "life is going to be a word problem."

Yet questions still surrounded the common core education process. "Some parents feel it doesn't help more than it hinders. It seems to be alientating more than not."

Superintendent Julia Tidball reassured the parents that teachers throughout MTUESD have bi weekly teacher collaboration meetings where the teachers "talk about whats working. Curriculum will never be perfect; teachers use their skill and education to teach and to reach each child."

Julia also pointed out to homework help available with the Homework Club held at Copper School.
For more information about the homework club or common core please call the school at 785-2236.