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Friday, September 19, 2014

Interviews with MTUESD School Board candidates

The Copper Gazette will be posting interviews with the three MTUESD School Board candidates beginning Monday September 22, 2014.
Please take some time to read the interviews to help you make an informed decision on November 4, 2014.

The following questions were posed to all three candidates with a deadline. The interviews appear in the order in which they were received.

Why are you running for the MTUESD School Board?
What, do you feel, are your qualifications?
What will you bring to the Board that you feel will make a difference?
What are your three overall priorities if you are elected?
Does our district have a Local Control and Accountability Plan? If so, please explain how this plan works.
Do you support or oppose expanded public education to include preschool in our district?
Are you familiar with Vergara v California? What is your understanding of this case and what is your position on tenure?
At this time you may present a maximum 300 word statement.